UrbanTerror 4.0 has been released and is a big hit!
ghozt 06 Apr 2007
If you dont have the Mod please Go download it!
http://www.UrbanTerror.net for file!
We are running 2 Urbanterror servers 1 is a standalone at
FSK405 ioUrbanTerror 4.0 kickassctf.com|0ms|
Which is the standalone version and you should really download ioUrbanTerror.exe
(note please follow the standalone install directions ie:install to your C:/programfiles/quakeIIIareana/ folder for easiest install!) After installing ioUrbanterror correctly you can use the icon that it installs on your desktop/quicklaunch to play on ioUrbanterror servers by clicking the Play Online button in the ingame menu.
All seeing Eye or other ingame browsers will only start you up with quake3 right now unleass you manual change your gamestartup in the app itsself untill ase can support both *.exe's..
Our other server ar the Chicago server at FSK405 UrbanTerror 4.0 Chicago|0ms|
This server is running Quake3 and PB so you would join this server regularly as you usually did before with ASE or other game browser.
FSK405 is hosting the Urbanterror files and you must be a registered member of Kickassctf.com to download these files though our Downloads section. If you are experianceing bad FPS drops you should really try to use ioUrbanTerror! It has also been rumored that the q3 version will be slowly fased out, but dont quote me on that!
If you need any help getting any version of the game installed and running We have forums here or you can go to http://forums.urbanterror.net and even IRC on irc.Enterthegame.com #urbanterror for help getting set up.
More to come!
http://www.UrbanTerror.net for file!
We are running 2 Urbanterror servers 1 is a standalone at
FSK405 ioUrbanTerror 4.0 kickassctf.com|0ms|
Which is the standalone version and you should really download ioUrbanTerror.exe
(note please follow the standalone install directions ie:install to your C:/programfiles/quakeIIIareana/ folder for easiest install!) After installing ioUrbanterror correctly you can use the icon that it installs on your desktop/quicklaunch to play on ioUrbanterror servers by clicking the Play Online button in the ingame menu.
All seeing Eye or other ingame browsers will only start you up with quake3 right now unleass you manual change your gamestartup in the app itsself untill ase can support both *.exe's..
Our other server ar the Chicago server at FSK405 UrbanTerror 4.0 Chicago|0ms|
This server is running Quake3 and PB so you would join this server regularly as you usually did before with ASE or other game browser.
FSK405 is hosting the Urbanterror files and you must be a registered member of Kickassctf.com to download these files though our Downloads section. If you are experianceing bad FPS drops you should really try to use ioUrbanTerror! It has also been rumored that the q3 version will be slowly fased out, but dont quote me on that!
If you need any help getting any version of the game installed and running We have forums here or you can go to http://forums.urbanterror.net and even IRC on irc.Enterthegame.com #urbanterror for help getting set up.
More to come!
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