So what's the state of the game these days? I couldn;t find any discord channel for us or RFA. I just wish I had one more opportunity to TeaBag Buzzkill.
As an established community, with the foundation of FSK405’s “Not for Profit LLC” to handle our finances, FSK405 has decided to build and co-locate a new server! The server will be superior to our currently leased server in Texas, and will be owned and operated by FSK405’s LLC. Building a modern server will provide some pretty huge performance increases with respect to our current setup. Not only will it offer the community a stable connection extending a better gaming experience, it will also significantly reduce our monthly overhead.
So what will this mean for you?
• More storage, bandwidth and horsepower for additional game servers and clock hungry applications,
• More Bang for your Buck factor,
• Reduction of server lag while our game servers are full,
• Improved hit detection while our game servers are full,
• We own the hardware, so we can upgrade and increase performance when we need it,
• Simplified server administration,
• We are still spec'ing the system out; HOWEVER, as of today will be a Dual Quad-Core Xeon server.
• It can play one mean game of tic-tac-toe and global thermonuclear war!
FSK405 will now be accepting server contributions
We are grateful for the continued support from the community and would like to ask for your consideration, contributing towards the cause. Help FSK405 build this NEW cutting edge gaming server. Take pride in your contribution! Help FSK405 and our community meet our goals and obligations so that we may continue to provide you with outstanding services such as nightly gaming, social entertainment and quality, organized competitive scrim nights. If you are considering donating in excess of $50.00, please contact a FSK405 member so we can avoid PayPal’s service charges.
FSK405 thanks you for your contributions, and your dedication to the community, without you this would not be possible.
Thanks from all of us @ FSK405