FSK405 Community Website Urban Terror, Bad Company 2 and BF3 Gaming Community!!



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  • SAM-Medic
    SAM-Medic  1 week ago

    I have been playing with the 30+ clan on Sunday nights. They also play Wed and Fri evenings.

  • Boogie Knight
    Boogie Knight  2 weeks ago

    I agree with Sam. I think Reflux kilt it. Zim..kEEper and I play World of Tanks and Golf Clash.

  • zimzalabing
    zimzalabing  1 month ago

    No urt or any other games everyone playing .?

  • SAM-Medic
    SAM-Medic  1 month ago

    Zim Zala HAX! Still alive here. I fear the clan may be dead, though.

  • zimzalabing
    zimzalabing  1 month ago

    Hello all , everyone still alive ? Been long time

  • Boogie Knight
    Boogie Knight  4 months ago

    Longi! Been a long time! It's still there, but not very busy. I check in every once in a while. Sometimes I have seen The Old One on.

  • Longi
    Longi  5 months ago

    What happened to the Superman server?

  • Longi
    Longi  5 months ago

    G'Day from Australia. It's been a while...

  • AceTone
    AceTone  6 months ago

    Belated Happy New Year to all FSK and Friends!

  • Boogie Knight
    Boogie Knight  7 months ago

    Junior! How are ya? That's the most I've ever seen you type!

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  • Guests: 28
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  • Total registered members:1302
  • Newest Member: FSKADMIN
  • Most ever online: 109
    Guests: 109 Members: 0 on 05 Jun 2024

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Chatbox (all posts)

  • SAM-Medic


    1 week ago

    I have been playing with the 30+ clan on Sunday nights. They also play Wed and Fri evenings.

  • Boogie Knight

    Boogie Knight

    2 weeks ago

    I agree with Sam. I think Reflux kilt it. Zim..kEEper and I play World of Tanks and Golf Clash.

  • zimzalabing


    1 month ago

    No urt or any other games everyone playing .?

  • SAM-Medic


    1 month ago

    Zim Zala HAX! Still alive here. I fear the clan may be dead, though.

  • zimzalabing


    1 month ago

    Hello all , everyone still alive ? Been long time

  • Boogie Knight

    Boogie Knight

    4 months ago

    Longi! Been a long time! It's still there, but not very busy. I check in every once in a while. Sometimes I have seen The Old One on.

  • Longi


    5 months ago

    What happened to the Superman server?

  • Longi


    5 months ago

    G'Day from Australia. It's been a while...

  • AceTone


    6 months ago

    Belated Happy New Year to all FSK and Friends!

  • Boogie Knight

    Boogie Knight

    7 months ago

    Junior! How are ya? That's the most I've ever seen you type!

  • junior06


    7 months ago

    Hello, Happy end of year and lots of good things

  • ghozt


    7 months ago

    Hey hey hey

  • Pockets


    7 months ago

    It's been so long! yall probably old af. Hope you guys still play video games somewhere.

  • Boogie Knight

    Boogie Knight

    11 months ago

    Happy New Year to you too Sam!

  • mushroom


    1 year ago

    Where is Refucx. Did he tell everyone to shutup and leave? SAD...

  • SAM-Medic


    1 year ago

    Hiya Keeb! Not much happening here, unfortunately.

  • keeb


    1 year ago

    ya'll still jamming out?

  • SAM-Medic


    1 year ago

    Happy New Year, Russa! And everyone else, too! We are still kicking...

  • russa


    1 year ago

    Happy New Year

  • Boogie Knight

    Boogie Knight

    1 year ago

    BRC here is the link to join discord https://top.gg/servers/search?q=FSK405

  • Boogie Knight

    Boogie Knight

    1 year ago

    Hey, Rubber, good to see u r still around. They all on discord now.

  • a BigRubberCock

    a BigRubberCock

    1 year ago

    Hope everyone is vaxxed up and managed to avoid the COVID. Look forward to fragging you next time, whenever it is.


  • a BigRubberCock

    a BigRubberCock

    1 year ago

    Just noticed that it says 02-10-06 for FSK405 BRC...is that when I last played on the server?

  • a BigRubberCock

    a BigRubberCock

    1 year ago

    That was supposed to read "PLAYER will get torn"...but apparently the CMS interprets GT and LT symbols. Not a good sign for security ;-)

  • a BigRubberCock

    a BigRubberCock

    1 year ago

    I have not played any games for...15 years? So cool to see so many still in the mix. Was just trying to find something "not work" I could do once in a while and thought "Hmmmm, I wonder"

    Doubt I'll ever find the time, but you never know. Maybe "> will get torn a new hole by a BigRubberCock" again...

  • a BigRubberCock

    a BigRubberCock

    1 year ago

    OMG. I still have an account. lolwut?



    2 years ago

    you know it!!!

  • Dierth


    2 years ago

    Yo, yo! FSK405 in da howwwwwse! 8)

  • SAM-Medic


    2 years ago

    Hi Worm! Well, there's a name from the past... Glad to see some of the old-timers checking in here. Feel free to catch us Friday or Sunday evenings. We've switched over to Discord for voice chat: https://discord.gg/pT9pMPDrKJ

  • FSK405|worm


    2 years ago

    Hey y’all. I’m back in the game after a few years absence. Currently stuck at home with covid, so I’m playing a lot, but getting pwned more than usual due to being so ill (that’s my excuse and I’m sticking to it!). Hope to catch you all in game soon
