Late Night Baby-Sitter Requested

KanxeR, Mon Mar 19 2007, 06:18AM

Let me introduce you to "Ponger"...

Imagine a late night (morning), off-peak friendly game among a few bros. Enter Ponger, who thinks it's fun to TK a couple times, go spect, switch teams, TK a couple more, spect, etc. etc. Sometimes he gets print, but mostly he's having his fun. Asked to stop, no avail, he's doing it on purpose. Told he will be banned, says it's ok he has another PC and another connection, his fun continues. This goes on for 3 or 4 maps.

This isn't the first time we've had the llamas ruining late night games without admins around. I don't know what the solution is, but we either need a late night admin or kick-voting turned on after peak time (I know voting gets out of control on a full house).

Oh if anyone wants to check the logs, this was around 11:40 PM Hawaii Standard Time, March 18.

Here's kiddy's ID: fb1f1a50

I don't know if he's stolen the key or not, but I think he should be banned for a week minimum.
Re: Late Night Baby-Sitter Requested
FSK405 Earl, Mon Mar 19 2007, 01:42PM

You all can band together and pb_kick him with pb.
Re: Late Night Baby-Sitter Requested
Frog, Mon Mar 19 2007, 06:12PM

Thank you.. Will keep an eye out for him.