FSK405 & Friends Sunday Scrim! March 1, 2014

fu daddy, Tue Mar 04 2014, 06:34AM

-= FSK405 Sunday Night Scrim =-

March 1, 2014 8:00est

Battle Rant By: fu daddy

For Scrim setting, see prior posts.

***Feel free to donate if you can. Our monthly donations have been dwindling as of late. The donations allow us to run our server operations which provide a platform for these Sunday Night Scrims. Thank you.***

Round 1: Riyadh - Old
Facilitator: fu daddy
Red Captain: Keeper
Blue Captain: Trancer
Red = 1
Blue = 2

This was an epic battle throughout. Fierce battles raged all over the map. Red struck first with a cap early going and it seemed that blue was destined for the loss as there are only two entrances to each flag and red was guarding them ferociously. Blue, to their great wisdom, started using smoke and it seemed to work as they continually crept closer to red's flag. With around a minute left, blue stormed red's base and, while holding their respawning players back, trained red's flag back to their base for the tying cap. 20 minutes of overtime then occurred, with neither team gaining that much traction until blue finally stormed red's base again and won. Pooty was the thorn in blue's side the whole map, using his PSG to perfection, picking on blue as they tried to get to red's front door. Just ask Pandora, she died 77 times, with probably 75 coming from Pooty. That's over 15 minutes being dead, or close to half the round. Ouch. If I had a nickel for everytime I heard someone say "kill Pooty", I could pay for the server this month. Terrific round.

Round 2: Subway
Facilitator: fu daddy
Red Captain: Frog
Blue Captain: Grim
Red = 1
Blue = 0

Another close round. The train was a killing zone throughout, but red did seem to advance more than blue. Blue focused more on the service areas, getting to red's flag a few times. Red capped via upper service later in the round and held on for the win. Congrats on Grim captaining for the first time!

Round 3: fort dicks
Facilitator: fu daddy
Red Captain: trancer
Blue Captain: XP
Red = ?
Blue = ?

Don't know what happened here, but I do know that XP was excited by the map for some reason.

Good rounds everyone! Come back next week for more action!
1393936451 343 FT0 Round 1

1393936451 343 FT0 Round 2
Re: FSK405 & Friends Sunday Scrim! March 1, 2014
Tranc3r, Tue Mar 04 2014, 01:59PM

Round 3: fort dicks
Facilitator: fu daddy
Red Captain: Tranc3r - 5
Blue Captain: XP - 1

Rant: On initial glance of the teams at time = 0 seconds, it seemed as if blue was set for certain victory with the Frog/Dank duo. However, with red's right team (uLtRa, Grim, Tampee, risk) effectively pushing blue back to their spawn and pooty doing the same on left, there were a few opportunities for red to cap. There was a timeout called by blue team @ about the 8 minute mark, from which one cap was successful for them. It was a really great match, would play again!


Special thanks for the few first timers that were here. Come again, I need you in my team! =D
Re: FSK405 & Friends Sunday Scrim! March 1, 2014
Tranc3r, Tue Mar 04 2014, 02:04PM

Oh man, Round 1 caps... the UrT Gods were with us on that one. Round 2, shout out to Grim for stepping up and captaining, great sportsmanship! On ts3, 80% of the convo was from service, it was pretty intense up there. I was very sad I didn't get R on round 3 =( but SAM-I-Am took great care of me. I tried my best to prevent R from manipulating my teammates during the timeout. =P

Re: FSK405 & Friends Sunday Scrim! March 1, 2014
RELENTLESS, Tue Mar 04 2014, 08:20PM

Re: FSK405 & Friends Sunday Scrim! March 1, 2014
Pandora, Wed Mar 05 2014, 11:47PM

Lets be honest only 74 were Pooty, the other 3 were String.
Re: FSK405 & Friends Sunday Scrim! March 1, 2014
Tranc3r, Thu Mar 06 2014, 04:23AM

DRUM ROLL PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Pandora died from the bullets/knives of:
- Pooty x 24
- Keeper x 12
- String x 10
- DankRider x 8
- Dgrunt x 7
- Acetone x 6
- Richard-Cranium - 4
- Boogie x 2
- risk x 1
- Grim x 1
- tampee x 1
- uLtRa x 1

Want to know yours? You can view the raw data here: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=FrqmEV6c