Battlefield 4 Pre Order

DankRider, Mon Aug 26 2013, 12:45AM

Which per-order is the best bang for the buck?

Re: Battlefield 4 Pre Order
hud13, Mon Aug 26 2013, 07:07AM

well when I pre-ordered I could only order the deluxe on line, The premium is only all the add on maps that come later you have to have the game itself for it to work, if that makes any sense.
Re: Battlefield 4 Pre Order
Sasquatch, Mon Aug 26 2013, 12:27PM

the ol ' 1 2 punch. and Yeah I will probably get it... but I will wait this time till the first DLC is released.

Re: Battlefield 4 Pre Order
hud13, Mon Aug 26 2013, 02:10PM

yea I get the feeling that they are milking us, but when I consider that i play bf3 almost everyday and have been for 2 yrs it works out to be about 5 dollars a month, so if you look at it that way it is cheap. I just wish they would lay it all out up front I would feel better about the whole thing.
Re: Battlefield 4 Pre Order
Explorateur, Tue Aug 27 2013, 06:50AM

yea I get the feeling that they are milking us, but when I consider that i play bf3 almost everyday and have been for 2 yrs it works out to be about 5 dollars a month, so if you look at it that way it is cheap. I just wish they would lay it all out up front I would feel better about the whole thing.


Well isnt that what they are doing here? So you can buy the game or the game with beta access. Then you can go ahead and order the extra maps (Premium) so the total cost is either 110 - 120.
I rather break it up and just pay the 60 - 70 now and the rest later.

Re: Battlefield 4 Pre Order
hud13, Tue Aug 27 2013, 08:02AM

Yea XP that is what they are doing, I just have a hard time of turning loose of my money, but you are right. So tell Dank which one to get. that was the question anyway.
Re: Battlefield 4 Pre Order
GreenEyes, Tue Aug 27 2013, 10:27AM

Re: Battlefield 4 Pre Order
FSK405|EZ, Tue Aug 27 2013, 05:13PM

Hmmm ithink I only have 3 kills on BF3, should I order 4? hmmmmm decisions decisions.
Re: Battlefield 4 Pre Order
momo, Mon Sept 23 2013, 10:41PM

I pre-ordered today. Looking forward to gaming with my FSK family again.
