New GunMaster modes

BlackKnight, Wed Dec 19 2012, 04:04PM

RCon net doesn't have a plugin yet for this.

But you can add a GunMaster map, let it start then type the following console command and restart the round to change the mode. I haven't tried this yet.

vars.gunMasterWeaponsPreset 1 <-----change this number to the gunmaster set you you want

Gunmaster Weapon Presets:

Standard Weapon list - 0
Standard Weapon list REVERSED - 1
Light Weight - 2
Heavy Gear - 3
Pistol run! - 4
Snipers Heaven - 5
US arms race - 6
RU arms race - 7
EU arms race - 8
Re: New GunMaster modes
xyster, Wed Dec 19 2012, 06:14PM

i wanna try the new modes.
Re: New GunMaster modes
BlackKnight, Thu Dec 20 2012, 11:06AM

I was able to make the commands work in RCon. But you have change the weapons preset in the RCon console command and then restart the round to take affect. Also, make sure there are 2 spaces between the command and the number for it to take.
vars.gunMasterWeaponsPreset 4 (2 spaces before '4')
I couldn't get it to work using the ingame chat command facility.
So no automated way to cycle thru all the modes. Have to wait for Advanced Plugin I guess.