Moncho** haxor

russa, Sat Jun 09 2012, 11:12PM

Guy has been playing for a few weeks and play's or I mean scores well. I got have been getting preshoot by him for a few weeks and figured I'd take a look at him. He seemed ok, just another flag camper. He always seemed to have his gun pointed in the right direction for a kill on such a big map with few players. I watched the demo with shownormals, was very suspect of walling. He always aimed in the right spot and as he ran would spot people through the walls. He never would put his curser directly on a person. Finally at the very end of the video he spots nikki high up through the wall then starts shooting her just as she jumps.
Re: Moncho** haxor
russa, Sun Jun 10 2012, 12:34AM

Second demo

If you notice he always has his gun pointed in the right spot before player is in view. Watch him also as he runs and spots people through the rocks. If you slow the video down you'll see what I mean.
Re: Moncho** haxor
Boogie Knight, Sun Jun 10 2012, 10:18AM

I don't get this guy. I thought when playing against him that he always "got the drop" on if he saw me before I saw him. My equipment is not the best, so I wrote it off to that. But remained suspicious.
On Park Ave, he seems to make a lot of noob mistakes. Some are due to the fact that he may never have played the map, but others are just noob mistakes. With the timescale at .75 and without shownormals, you can clearly see that Kitty was up on the ledge and visible.
I agree on Paradise that he always is trained on an area where players are. I think he can see his team through walls as well, because he seems to give some attention to them til he's sure.
Re: Moncho** haxor
russa, Sun Jun 10 2012, 03:47PM

I also saw that he is spotting his teammates, especially on paradise. He spots his teammates through walls a couple of times.
Re: Moncho** haxor
FSK405|EZ, Sun Jun 10 2012, 09:02PM

Hes been on Super playing a pretty darn good game as well.