Binding issue in BF3

BlackKnight, Wed Oct 26 2011, 04:39PM

FYI, in case you are like me and change the 'Q' key bindings to something other than the default, there is a bug in BF3 where you can't do that. You can change the 'Q' to something else but when you press it you still get the commo rose popup and enemy spotting. Even if you change it in the Common section of key bindings.
I've done this for years so hate to change my ways now.

See this -

Re: Binding issue in BF3
DankRider, Wed Oct 26 2011, 06:07PM

It's freaking lame!! Epic Fail DICE!

The q key is my left movement. Im like NASCAR but going the other direction.

the only solution I have found is set up macro's for your keyboard, redirecting the Q key to another key.

I Poop on you DICE!!
Re: Binding issue in BF3
Reflux, Thu Oct 27 2011, 06:45PM

This thing is so buggy, you'd think M$ released it. There's no way they made the grade on this release.
Re: Binding issue in BF3
russa, Thu Oct 27 2011, 07:57PM

I got the feeling it was going to have a bunch of bugs when I played the alpha and beta version. I'm sure it will all get figured out in the next month but dice doesn't have a good track record of releasing bug fix's in a timely manner. Don't hold you're breath on this one.
Re: Binding issue in BF3
BlackSix, Mon Oct 31 2011, 12:20AM

Cant bind my knife to my mouse :(
Re: Binding issue in BF3
Kr0m, Mon Oct 31 2011, 04:33PM

Try again in 6 months. These first few months is the REAL beta testing period.... cool how EA gets you to pay to beta test eh? :)
Re: Binding issue in BF3
Reflux, Mon Oct 31 2011, 06:29PM

Gotta give those cheaters time to find the hacks...
Re: Binding issue in BF3
BlackKnight, Sat Nov 12 2011, 10:26AM

They did post a workaround fix this 'Q' binding issue. It worked for me--

Plus, someone was asking about making 'zoom' stay on your weapon instead of holding the button down.
It's available in Options -> GamePlay -> -> Weapon Zoon -> Click Button or Hold Button
Re: Binding issue in BF3
DankRider, Sun Nov 13 2011, 03:43PM

Whoot both tips worked.. Thanks Grand David!
Re: Binding issue in BF3
ZELLIS, Sun Nov 13 2011, 09:29PM


great find, thanks for posting it.
Re: Binding issue in BF3
DankRider, Sun Nov 13 2011, 10:13PM

What this has proved is B3 has a numeric value for every key. It doesn't see it as its letter rather a number. In this case 255= the q key.
Re: Binding issue in BF3
ZELLIS, Sun Nov 13 2011, 10:56PM

i thought the poster stated 255 = NO BIND

so if you were to put "255" as the value for that command, there would be NO key bind
Re: Binding issue in BF3
Reflux, Mon Dec 12 2011, 11:02AM

What this has proved is B3 has a numeric value for every key. It doesn't see it as its letter rather a number. In this case 255= the q key.

Just an FYI: everything is numeric to the system. It isn't B3, it is computing. And 0(00), or 255(FF) are generally regarded as null or unassigned, since they are the bounded ends of the 8-bit world. You hafta think in terms of bytes.

P.S. Thnx Zellis for pointing out this thread, even though it was obvious when I couldn't see it. sad me :(

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Re: Binding issue in BF3
xyster, Mon Dec 12 2011, 01:49PM

Where's the code for F13? I have an F13 button... Maybe 123.5... hrm. I gotta call someone about this.
Re: Binding issue in BF3
Sasquatch, Mon Dec 12 2011, 02:11PM

google for 'keyboard scancode utility' .

It should come up with a few options that you can download and install. these utilities will tell you the scan code generated of any key you type on the keyboard... for example...

A software program that does this is really easy to write, but why bother when there are utilities out there that do it already.

Re: Binding issue in BF3
ZELLIS, Mon Dec 12 2011, 02:25PM

Line feed = 10
Re: Binding issue in BF3
Sasquatch, Mon Dec 12 2011, 02:27PM

that would be an ascii code.... which is different than hardware scancodes.
Re: Binding issue in BF3
Reflux, Mon Dec 12 2011, 02:55PM

Well, apparently BF3 is NOT using standard key codes, I just checked a few. They sux0rz.

Here's some trivia. OS vs. linefeed termination

*unix uses Lf (Chr10) - Yah, that is how it is done
Windows uses LfCr (Chr10+Chr13) - typewriter style
MacOS uses Cr (Chr13) - who know WTF they were thinking.

BTW: I'm editing ALL my posts from now on.
