Here is Asshat list in html format and sorted by name

Boogie Knight, Wed Oct 05 2011, 05:33PM

There are a few names on a 2nd sheet...hope it makes it
Re: Here is Asshat list in html format and sorted by name
Boogie Knight, Wed Oct 05 2011, 05:35PM

Didn't zip it
Re: Here is Asshat list in html format and sorted by name
FSK405|EZ, Wed Oct 05 2011, 11:27PM

Thanks for your endless efforts. This makes things ez for a quick search if asked while playing.
Re: Here is Asshat list in html format and sorted by name
billybeer, Thu Oct 06 2011, 09:26PM

None of my business really, so no worries if you don't feel like sharing, but what's the timeframe on that sample? A week? A Month? Many months?

Just curious.
Re: Here is Asshat list in html format and sorted by name
Boogie Knight, Fri Oct 07 2011, 05:36PM

The Google Docs list starts on 7/22/09. We originally used to post the list and update it in the asshat thread. Snoop around there and look for older threads that are locked and you will see that it goes back even further.