Rules Translation

Longi, Wed Jun 22 2011, 12:53AM

As I just had to use Google Translate to get across to a noob the meaning of a simple rule, it has occurred to me that it would be useful to have the rules translated somewhere on the website.

It'd be even more awesome if you could have them in B3 so you could for example go !rules german or !rules polish etc

I would suggest at least having german, french, polish, spanish and italian, given the number of people we get from those countries. Its not like we have any shortage of native speakers to help with the translation :)

Re: Rules Translation
DeviL, Wed Jun 22 2011, 02:11AM

Don't know many germans who aren't able to speak english. If you're not able to understand the rules you shouldn't play on server. They are written in simple english.
Maybe on the website ok, but also in B3??
Re: Rules Translation
BanMe, Wed Jun 22 2011, 05:32AM

As long as it isn't broadcast to the entire server, i imagine that would get old really fast, I don't see anything wrong with that. Just have it spam the rules to the one guy that needs it in that language. For example !rulesgerman DeviL would give devil the rules in german.
Re: Rules Translation
Longi, Wed Jun 22 2011, 05:58AM

Banme: Yeah exactly... if you could !rules playername language
or !rules language to get it yourself (via console tell rather than spamming everyone with it) that'd be awesome.

Re: Rules Translation
el kabong, Wed Jun 22 2011, 07:07AM

Nice idea, but I'm with Devil. How does one know what language another player prefers? Once you start creating these variants, where do you stop?

Taking it to its logical conclusion, pretty soon we would need a version for females. Then, we'll need a gay version and a Muslim version. And then a gay Muslim female version? OMG, I can hear the protest now from the Canadians would have to have their own version! Eh?
Re: Rules Translation
Reflux, Wed Jun 22 2011, 12:14PM

If we had them on this English speaking website, where would we post them for easy access to a non-English speaking person?

el-kabong hit the nail on the head. The Canuks would be outraged.
Re: Rules Translation
Longi, Wed Jun 22 2011, 03:54PM

At least on B3 we could spam rules at them when they say "francais" on chat for the 90th time.

Besides, we of the Commonwealth speak the Queens English. It's all you other people that have it wrong. It's our bloody language, deal with it :)
Re: Rules Translation
creeper, Thu Jun 23 2011, 02:29PM

it would be a kinda fun b3 plugin to write.

basically just combine ip geolocation with a call to some translate service
of that regions language.
(or probably do a lookup of some canned translations like someone said.
maybe just french, port, and spanish.)
Re: Rules Translation
DeviL, Thu Jun 23 2011, 03:17PM

and what do the americans which live in germany for a few months and cant understand german?
Re: Rules Translation
BlackSix, Thu Jun 23 2011, 03:23PM

any other hoser in a tuque with a toonie you can nab a double-double and chill out, or kick back with a brewski and buffalo wings for some R'n'R, eh sorry for double post
Re: Rules Translation
BlackSix, Thu Jun 23 2011, 03:25PM

If we had them on this English speaking website, where would we post them for easy access to a non-English speaking person?

el-kabong hit the nail on the head. The Canuks would be outraged.

any other hoser in a tuque with a toonie you can nab a double-double and chill out, or kick back with a brewski and buffalo wings for some R'n'R, eh?

Re: Rules Translation
DeviL, Thu Jun 23 2011, 03:43PM

If we had them on this English speaking website, where would we post them for easy access to a non-English speaking person?

el-kabong hit the nail on the head. The Canuks would be outraged.

any other hoser in a tuque with a toonie you can nab a double-double and chill out, or kick back with a brewski and buffalo wings for some R'n'R, eh?


WTF schreibe so, dass ich auch was verstehe!