my new superman hax - Jumping Script to Military HQ roof

rabbit, Tue May 10 2011, 08:21AM

My clan leader found a way that you don't lemm on the Military HQ roof.
It's on the FSK superman server so it has nothing to do with low gravity (i think).
It's just a script and no real hack or something you have to install. I just named it so ;)

here you can take a look at it :-)

I would be interested if someone knows this or if it's forbidden (I didn't use it that much)
Re: my new superman hax - Jumping Script to Military HQ roof
Moving_Target, Tue May 10 2011, 09:29AM

Every hack/cheat is "just a script" and of course it's frobidden. Every modification which gives you an unfair advantage is a cheat in my book, and if I cought you using it I'd have banned you.

Also what worries me is that instead of letting us or Wily know immediately about this exploit, so he can check if there's a fix to prevent the use of this script in the future, your first idea was to play on the server and use it "a little bit" ?_?.

...just my two cents
Re: my new superman hax - Jumping Script to Military HQ roof
rabbit, Tue May 10 2011, 09:53AM

I would not be so sure because it's not even a real big script. You just have to type one thing in the console. 10 letters...
The only thing I did on the server was trying it about 10 seconds out and making the video

and if you think this is a kind of an aimbot or a wallhack you're wrong because you need to install for both things something
I think it's just a bug. If you want that I pm you or someone else how it works I can do.

and do NOT think I am a cheater, because if I would be one I wouldn't tell it you.
Re: my new superman hax - Jumping Script to Military HQ roof
Reflux, Tue May 10 2011, 11:23AM

How is it much different that taking advantage of any of the game physics in UrT? Spin cushion? There are places on Doom you can park yourself if you know how to take advantage of it, not referring to Dank's place. Some of them are meant to be, some are not. What about above the door in blue lobby? Some things require the player to be quite crafty. Scripting was designed into the game engine. If it exploits a weakness in a map, then I agree the map maker has a choice to change it or leave it.

This doesn't look like our SM server from what I can see. Why the lava grass? I'd be interested in seeing your 'script'.

Re: my new superman hax - Jumping Script to Military HQ roof
DeviL, Tue May 10 2011, 11:23AM

I would aggre to MT, it's not a script like a "quickscope"-script, this one gives the player an unfair advantage, no ledgegrab - he can shoot directly.
It's kinda bug, like the possibility to drop down the levels of Doom.
Re: my new superman hax - Jumping Script to Military HQ roof
rabbit, Tue May 10 2011, 11:48AM

It IS your SM server. you can see for example the players ares, lemmofgod and salad

if you want my script, here it is:

If you think the script is like a cheat I'll remove it and won't use it. (I didn't use it since I made the vid)
anyway it's a bit awkward.

As for the "lava grass" I have no idea why it looks so, so it's not my fault that it looks so. and if I remember right DeviL has the same problem
Re: my new superman hax - Jumping Script to Military HQ roof
DankRider, Tue May 10 2011, 12:05PM

As for the "lava grass" I have no idea why it looks so, so it's not my fault that it looks so. and if I remember right DeviL has the same problem


You have lava grass because you have a conflicting version of Superman in your q3ut4 dir. remove all other versions of superman and super soldiers to see the actual grass.

Not sure im a big fan of this. Really not a big fan of publishing this "modification" on our site for all to use. So until we as a community reach a verdict im removing the script from your post.
Re: my new superman hax - Jumping Script to Military HQ roof
Moving_Target, Tue May 10 2011, 12:06PM

IMHO there's a difference between a glitch in the map and a script that prevents you to lemming. Getting to some places on doom or above the door can be achieved by everybody who practices - one can even land on the red roof if you're able to ledgegrab the top of the shed. Jumping requires as much skill as aiming/shooting - if not more so.
Re: my new superman hax - Jumping Script to Military HQ roof
rabbit, Tue May 10 2011, 12:18PM

well I thought it's not so mysterious, because reflux already wrote sth about it. Anyway you have to do one thing else. at least I had to do it.

and thanks for the tipp with the grass, Dank, now it works right again :-)
Re: my new superman hax - Jumping Script to Military HQ roof
FSK405|EZ, Tue May 10 2011, 12:23PM

unfair advantage for sure. Your methods of letting people know was probably not the coolest, as it will no doubt bring out the worst in players. I prefer to land the red roof glass myself. Makes for playing the game honestly. None the less it is something I will be watching for in the future as an admin.
Re: my new superman hax - Jumping Script to Military HQ roof
rabbit, Tue May 10 2011, 12:50PM

one thing I want to clarify: I do NOT and will NOT use it in the future if it's forbidden and everything we decide here I'll pass on to my clan leader, so I hope it will not spread.
Re: my new superman hax - Jumping Script to Military HQ roof
DeviL, Tue May 10 2011, 01:22PM

For dank and rabbit:
Ingame my grass is green just in demos its lava. so i got no trouble with it. i would be interest to know how he got the idea to write a script like that...
Re: my new superman hax - Jumping Script to Military HQ roof
rabbit, Tue May 10 2011, 01:27PM

My clan leader showed me how to do that trick. And since I was too lazy to type every time I jump up to Military HQ roof the key you need I wrote a simple script that I just need to press one key. (hab mich auch schon durch durchgearbeitet, also bin ich nicht ganz von gestern.)
Re: my new superman hax - Jumping Script to Military HQ roof
DeviL, Tue May 10 2011, 01:34PM

was ist mit io?
bin da nicht oft, mein bruder ist da nur admin.
trotzdem solltest du es nicht mehr benutzen, koennte zum ban fuehren.
der server ist eh einer der schlimmsten was asshattery und cheaten angeht.
gruess roberto von mir
Re: my new superman hax - Jumping Script to Military HQ roof
rabbit, Tue May 10 2011, 01:47PM

ich hab nur gedacht, dass du nicht glaubst, dass ich son script selber machen kann :-)
und genau weil ich mir gedacht hab, dass das schwierichkeiten machen könnt hab ichs ja geposted ;)
Re: my new superman hax - Jumping Script to Military HQ roof
DeviL, Tue May 10 2011, 02:02PM

ich kann die dt. community nicht ab, das wissen sie aber auch :D
hab rabbit2 da mal gesehen. svenson ist mein bruder, hier bei fsk405 auch bekannt. ich persoenliche spiele ohne scripts.
enough german trashtalking.
Re: my new superman hax - Jumping Script to Military HQ roof
truth, Tue May 10 2011, 05:14PM

wow this is a pretty big bug, personally I think the shooting and landing safely bug and this bug should both be made illegal.

My worry is it will be hard to catch people doing this, and this particular bug looks like it could potentially be used in competition play, unless it has something to do with the momentum of the arrows on superman.
Re: my new superman hax - Jumping Script to Military HQ roof
Boogie Knight, Tue May 10 2011, 06:02PM

Easy to spot if you are trying to defend red roof. He only gets enough height to JUST clear the ledge. It's obvious to anyone on the roof that he didn't grab the ledge and pull himself up.
Re: my new superman hax - Jumping Script to Military HQ roof
theSheilaDivine, Tue May 10 2011, 06:51PM

WTF, there's a quickscope script? Can't y'all just play the f------- game.

Fun to watch, Rabbit, but clearly against the design wishes of Wily. It requires little skill so it's a hack. Thanks for alerting us to it.

Now as for your scripts, I demand you write me several to get my old UrT powers back: shooting accurately no scoped, carrying two primary weapons, not getting unscoped with the sr8 when I'm hit and not losing accuracy when I'm moving or jumping. Hop to it, scriptboy.
Re: my new superman hax - Jumping Script to Military HQ roof
BanMe, Tue May 10 2011, 08:14PM

WTF, there's a quickscope script? Can't y'all just play the f------- game.

bind MOUSE2 "+vstr zoom_in zoom_out"
seta zoom_in "ut_zoomin"
seta zoom_out "ut_zoomreset"

It just forces you to hold mouse2 down. When you let go it unzooms so you can look around. No need for a ut_zoomout key. You don't zoom in any quicker.
Re: my new superman hax - Jumping Script to Military HQ roof
truth, Tue May 10 2011, 10:59PM

jetpack script

bind x "+moveup; wait 20; +moveup"
Re: my new superman hax - Jumping Script to Military HQ roof
deleted-user, Tue May 10 2011, 11:51PM

It was my understanding that scripts are not hacks.
Re: my new superman hax - Jumping Script to Military HQ roof
rabbit, Wed May 11 2011, 07:07AM

well here some of my scripts. some of my others are really useless like running arround without pressing W :P
so here they are:

//changing between LR300 and SR8
set mygear1 "gear "GZAATWV"; ut_echo "^1SR8gear ^7loaded."; set mygear "vstr mygear2""
set mygear2 "gear "GLAARUV"; ut_echo "^1LR300gear ^7loaded."; set mygear "vstr mygear1""
set mygear "vstr mygear1"
bind x "vstr mygear"
//looks really funny when rabbit2 and me are using it at the same time :)
set afk1 "+left; +lookdown; vstr duckswitch; vstr walkswitch; set afk vstr afk2"
set afk2 "-left; -lookdown; vstr duckswitch; vstr walkswitch; set afk vstr afk1; +lookup; wait 150; -lookup"
set afk "vstr afk1"
bind x "vstr afk"
//changing between zombie-(fast knive) and human mode(normal)
set humanmode "bind MWHEELUP weapnext; bind MWHEELDOWN weapprev; bind MOUSE1 +attack; ut_echo ^4Humanmode ^7loaded."
set zombiemode "bind MWHEELUP +attack; bind MWHEELDOWN +attack; bind MOUSE1 weapnext; ut_echo ^1Zombiemode ^7loaded."
set zombie1 "vstr zombiemode; set zombie "vstr zombie2""
set zombie2 "vstr humanmode; set zombie "vstr zombie1""
set zombie "vstr zombie1
bind x "vstr zombie"
//permanent ducking
set duck "+movedown; set duckswitch vstr stand""
set stand "-movedown; set duckswitch vstr duck""
set duckswitch "vstr duck"
bind x "vstr duckswitch"
//all the zoom stuff (you can zoom also with the LR300 :-))
set zoomin "ut_zoomin; cg_fov 90"
set zoomout "cg_fov 110"
set do_zoom_on "ut_zoomin; cg_fov"90""
set do_zoom_off "ut_zoomreset; cg_fov"110""
set zoom1 "bind MOUSE2 "+vstr do_zoom_on do_zoom_off"; "ut_echo "^7Fast zooming: ^2enabled^7.""; "set zoom "vstr zoom2"""
set zoom2 "bind MOUSE2 "+vstr zoomin zoomout"; "ut_echo "^7Fast zooming: ^1disabled^7.""; "set zoom "vstr zoom1"""
set zoom "vstr zoom1"
bind x "vstr zoom"
vstr zoom2

these are the scripts I'm currently using :-)
Re: my new superman hax - Jumping Script to Military HQ roof
sorenl, Wed May 11 2011, 07:45AM

//all the zoom stuff (you can zoom also with the LR300 :-))
set zoomin "ut_zoomin; cg_fov 90"
set zoomout "cg_fov 110"
set do_zoom_on "ut_zoomin; cg_fov"90""
set do_zoom_off "ut_zoomreset; cg_fov"110""
set zoom1 "bind MOUSE2 "+vstr do_zoom_on do_zoom_off"; "ut_echo "^7Fast zooming: ^2enabled^7.""; "set zoom "vstr zoom2"""
set zoom2 "bind MOUSE2 "+vstr zoomin zoomout"; "ut_echo "^7Fast zooming: ^1disabled^7.""; "set zoom "vstr zoom1"""
set zoom "vstr zoom1"
bind x "vstr zoom"
vstr zoom2

these are the scripts I'm currently using :-)


Thats cheating in my opinion.
Re: my new superman hax - Jumping Script to Military HQ roof
DeviL, Wed May 11 2011, 07:57AM

I think there is a difference between scripts and the "cheat-scripts". If somebody asks me if I could write him a teabag script it's a funny thing (not possible anyway), but all the scripts making you zooming faster, aiming better or circumvents the speed of arrows or the gravity or whatever are cheats imho.
Re: my new superman hax - Jumping Script to Military HQ roof
rabbit, Wed May 11 2011, 08:13AM

scripting is definitely not cheating, because there are many tutorials, even on are some tuts. at least this applys for the scripts I'm using. But I also don't think it applys with the jump script.
Re: my new superman hax - Jumping Script to Military HQ roof
DeviL, Wed May 11 2011, 08:28AM

For me it's the same like somebody ask if it's allowed to make your own weapons golden. If sth like this is allowed, why you have problems with that my walls are transparent?
Re: my new superman hax - Jumping Script to Military HQ roof
BanMe, Wed May 11 2011, 10:15AM

Its not really "zooming" with an LR300 its just a fov change. 90 fov is "zoomed" 110 fov is "unzoomed". If you play standard at 90 then its equivalent to him playing zoomed in. I used to use this back when i used a 17inch monitor. I liked playing at 105 fov so I could see things around me but i had trouble seeing far objects so I would change my fov to 90 to see it. If you think a simple variable change is hacking you're on something strong.
Re: my new superman hax - Jumping Script to Military HQ roof
truth, Wed May 11 2011, 10:20AM

For me it's the same like somebody ask if it's allowed to make your own weapons golden. If sth like this is allowed, why you have problems with that my walls are trasnparent?


you cant make your weapons golden in a script, it doesnt work that way. Anything that can be accomplished with a script can be accomplished the same way by just changing your game settings, which means that none of them are by themselves illegal.

what makes this stuff illegal is abusing bugs in the game logic
Re: my new superman hax - Jumping Script to Military HQ roof
rabbit, Wed May 11 2011, 10:46AM

Of course It's not real "zooming", but really helpful when you play normal on 110 or 105 fov.
You can change colors of weapons, for example, when you change it in the zpak000_assets, or (I think this may also work) you pack the new "look" of the gun into a map. For example I somewhere downloaded a map that my flags reflect :P
Re: my new superman hax - Jumping Script to Military HQ roof
sorenl, Wed May 11 2011, 11:46AM

Its not really "zooming" with an LR300 its just a fov change. 90 fov is "zoomed" 110 fov is "unzoomed". If you play standard at 90 then its equivalent to him playing zoomed in. I used to use this back when i used a 17inch monitor. I liked playing at 105 fov so I could see things around me but i had trouble seeing far objects so I would change my fov to 90 to see it. If you think a simple variable change is hacking you're on something strong.


thx for the explanation. didnt know that (i didnt even know yet, that there is a possibility of scripting in ut lol).
i'm just playing the game. i dont need any extrakeys for changing weapons or zooming.
Re: my new superman hax - Jumping Script to Military HQ roof
DankRider, Wed May 11 2011, 01:16PM

To Community
From Superman Head Admins: DankRider, Mindriot, SheilaDevine, Boogie]{night, Reflux, WilyDuck
Issue: Jump Script to access Red roof with no lemming.
Ruling our Verdict: This is NOT a Hack, but IS an Exploit and will be considered and illegal move that may result in a kick or ban.

Admin Notes:

  • This is and exploit, and not how WilyDuck intended the map to be played. An example was brought up that I think is a good analogy further justifying our decision. This is an unintended exploit much like being able to go under the map shooting players through the water, as was available in previous versions of Superman. This exploit modifies players movements, and is not how WilyDuck intend the map to be played giving players an unfair advantage.

  • Urban Terror is fraught with weakness's being built off a 10+ year old engine. The jump exploit is a known issue that the development team thought they fixed in UrT4.1.. Though the Dev team fixed the horizontal aspect of this exploit, the vertical movement is still vulnerable. It is to my understanding this function will be removed from future versions of UrT for it is no longer applicable.

  • We would like to thank Rabbit for bringing it to our attention to open up a discussion. It is far better to ask rather then use it only to be called out.

  • The Urban Terror Head Admins are unified in our decision. The Jump exploit is not up for debate and players caught using it will be warned and kicked. Continuous use may result in a temp or permanent ban.

NOTE: This Thread will be locked soon.
Re: my new superman hax - Jumping Script to Military HQ roof
Moving_Target, Wed May 11 2011, 01:45PM

Its not really "zooming" with an LR300 its just a fov change. 90 fov is "zoomed" 110 fov is "unzoomed". If you play standard at 90 then its equivalent to him playing zoomed in. I used to use this back when i used a 17inch monitor. I liked playing at 105 fov so I could see things around me but i had trouble seeing far objects so I would change my fov to 90 to see it. If you think a simple variable change is hacking you're on something strong.


I still think it's wrong. Either you choose a broader FOV and have the advantage of improved peripherical vision or you choose a narrower FOV and have the advantage of larger targets. You can't have both. And where do you draw the line? Why not getting a script for not-getting unscoped when hit, or to remove the black frame when zoomed in just to "see better"? Hmm the enemy is not only too far away but hiding behind a building, why not use a little script to see through walls...IMHO it's one thing to use binds for radio calls or to switch weapons, but a whole other story to change game mechanics & physics on the fly.

Re: my new superman hax - Jumping Script to Military HQ roof
rabbit, Wed May 11 2011, 01:54PM

I'm really happy, that I did the right. Even when I got some problems with my clan, but I thought and still think it's WilyDuck's and the official superman's headadminteam's right to be informed about this bug.

It was me a joy to help you.
Re: my new superman hax - Jumping Script to Military HQ roof
Good Luck, Wed May 11 2011, 02:22PM

Dank what about people using other exploits like falling from any height and not doing any damage? Or fast medding or fast slicing or ....
Re: my new superman hax - Jumping Script to Military HQ roof
DankRider, Wed May 11 2011, 04:38PM

Dank what about people using other exploits like falling from any height and not doing any damage? Or fast medding or fast slicing or ....


This thread was started to address the Jumping Script that changes the physics of the players movements. Though there have been a few additional concerns outlined in this thread, each one is an individual talking point. This script that modifies a players ability to move and was not the intended purpose of the cvar, there for it is an exploit.

If there are other specific scripts of concern, start an additional thread outlining the concern. Each will be handled with their own merit.

Please note: things like FOV modifications are really tough to identify in game. The medic and spin landing thing you reference do not require a script or any client modification. Unfortunately folks have to look for exploits to compensate for lack of skill in hopes of attaining an advantage. It is tough for the Superman Head Admin team to rule on certain modifications.

This thread is being locked: Reason the Superman Head Admin Team ruled on this case and has presented their verdict. If you have additional scripting concerns start a thread addressing the issue. I left the thread open so rabbit had an opportunity to submit any final thoughts.

PS. If anyone would like to gain more information pertaining to this verdict feel free to contact any of the Superman Head Admins.