Superman server Urban Terror

gravyfury, Wed May 04 2011, 10:59AM

Just so everyone knows I was just kicked for apparently cheating on the superman server. I have been playing this game for over 10 years and was in the credits of the game early on. I don't know who it was who kicked me (obviously a child admin) but I NEVER cheated. EVER EVER EVER.
Someone who runs this server please email me so I can ensure who ever has rcon who kicked me is reprimanded for showing disrespect to an urban terror elder.
It's the GRAVY BABY!!!!!

Re: Superman server Urban Terror
Moving_Target, Wed May 04 2011, 11:29AM

I was on the server at that time, so for the record: You were kicked/tempbanned by "Junior06" aliased as "PeaceInThisWorld". I was surprised how fast that happened, but as every admin he should soon post a demo of your alleged hacking in the superman sub-forums.

Re: Superman server Urban Terror
gravyfury, Wed May 04 2011, 11:47AM

Thanks moving target. I appreciate your input. People like this are why I feel like I need to play down to the competition and not cut people off on routs that EVERYONE runs. Never mind the fact my score was not that of a "hacker". I would love to see this demo regardless and what part he is talking about.
Re: Superman server Urban Terror
theSheilaDivine, Wed May 04 2011, 02:15PM

I'm sure we're all curious now to see the alleged demo.

I've caught plenty of hackers that didn't have a hacker score. I've also made plenty of mistakes and if junior made an error here, I hope it's treated as a simple mistake and nothing more. For the most part, admins on the Superman server do a terrific job.
Re: Superman server Urban Terror
DankRider, Wed May 04 2011, 02:15PM

As a Superman Head admin I appreciate your mature approach looking for justice and justification. I can assure you we dont tolerate admin abuse, but sometimes mistakes happen as emotions drive decisions. We will look into your case and follow up with the admin in question.

All B3 Admins agree and sign off on formal rule structure. One of the main rules is, if you are going to Admin using B3 you must use your common in-game name. This case is a direct reason we ask admins to use their common in game name while administrating/kicking/banning players.

Your concern is acknowledged and will be handled, as your ban should be lifted. Thanks for playing with us on our Superman Server.,

Re: Superman server Urban Terror
gravyfury, Wed May 04 2011, 03:38PM

Thank you and I look forward to your just decision and swift corrective action. Feel free to email me if you need my help with this. I am willing to sign an affidavit regarding the incident if need be. And I agree with Sheila regarding the admins.... I have NEVER had an issue on that server. And for the record I was just playing there so I guess the ban was lifted.
Re: Superman server Urban Terror
theSheilaDivine, Wed May 04 2011, 03:47PM

Only senior level FSK405 admins have the ability to permban a player. You were tempbanned for three hours only, awaiting further review.
Re: Superman server Urban Terror
BanMe, Wed May 04 2011, 04:01PM

People like this are why I feel like I need to play down to the competition and not cut people off on routs that EVERYONE runs. Never mind the fact my score was not that of a "hacker".


Don't play down your skill, this kinda thing happens. I got banned a few weeks ago, not the first time either. You'll have a good laugh about this later.
Re: Superman server Urban Terror
AceTone, Wed May 04 2011, 05:54PM

Unleash the fury, the gravy fury!

Listen here to an audio recording of the Gravy Baby unleashing his fury - but not safe for work or the young ones...

Superman server and admins are the best in the business. As BanMe stated, I'm sure you will get a chuckle or two out of this soon enough. Good to see ya around again! :-)
Re: Superman server Urban Terror
deleted-user, Wed May 04 2011, 06:23PM

To be sure, though, no one is above a friendly 'spec-check' once in a while. I don't care if you're from 2101 and have 100 years of experience playing Urt, traveled back into the past, and are now playing against your newbish self. No one gets a free pass on hacking.
Re: Superman server Urban Terror
gravyfury, Thu May 05 2011, 10:18AM

Mr. Tinker... I could care less for the specing me. It's the blatant disrespect of an unjust kick ban for someone who has given a lot to the URT community through the years. It was issued by someone who doesn't know what they are doing and giving fsk405 (a reputable clan) a bad name. I WAS NOT HACKING!!!! LEET Skillz does not equal hack.
And Acetone that was one of the most beautiful sound clips I have ever heard. I am going to try to encompass it into my daily reputé.
Re: Superman server Urban Terror
DankRider, Thu May 05 2011, 03:23PM

To: Gravyfury
From: DankRider FSK405 Member & Superman Senior Admin
Issue: Wrongful Kick and Temp Ban

First off, we as a community apologize for the inconvenience along with acknowledging a B3 Admin didnt follow protocol while implementing a ban.

Admin's Miss Steps:
Admins that feel a player may be using a Wall Hack or Radar should submit a demo to be reviewed by B3 and Senior Admin's. Players suspected of using a wall hack and or radar should not immediately be banned unless there is overwhelming evidence supported by a secondary admin. Admins implementing a ban are required to upload a demo as primary evidence supporting the ban. "These Steps didnt take place".

Due to the popularity of the Superman server, FSK405 has recruited players outside our clan to help administrate the server. Most of the Superman admins follow protocol and are a value to the server. This is a case of a veteran making a mistake in judgment and not following protocol. We will address this case with the admin in question to avoid this similar issues in the future .

PS. thanks again for your mature level headed approach asking us to address your concern. Situations like this allow us to take corrective action and grow as a community.

PSS. I will be locking this thread soon for the issue seems to be resolved. Im leaving it open in the event Gravy has anything to add.
Re: Superman server Urban Terror
gravyfury, Thu May 05 2011, 10:44PM

Dank I appreciate your rightful and just decision and I look forward to working with you on future projects inclusive but not limited to dispensing justice at bars with cue sticks, digging wells in african villages, and opening a tattoo parlor chain that ONLY administers urban terror tattoos.
God speed,
It's the GRAVY BABY!!!!!!!!!!!
Re: Superman server Urban Terror
FSK405|EZ, Fri May 06 2011, 12:14AM

When all is said and done, and PLEASE! do not take this as any type of Jab at the process. As I too am an Ddmin although a new Admin on Super and am also guilty of a couple mistakes. I have played with and against Junior many times and have yet to see any similar mistakes. He is truly a passionate and dedicated Superman Player and Admin. None the less, I would pay "100 SLAPS" to see a knife fight between you both as an icebreaker when this is all over. Ez.
Re: Superman server Urban Terror
gravyfury, Fri May 06 2011, 11:27AM

It's all good.
Re: Superman server Urban Terror
DeviL, Fri May 06 2011, 11:31AM

People like this are why I feel like I need to play down to the competition and not cut people off on routs that EVERYONE runs. Never mind the fact my score was not that of a "hacker".


Don't play down your skill, this kinda thing happens. I got banned a few weeks ago, not the first time either. You'll have a good laugh about this later.

