scrim 3/23/2011

hud13, Thu Mar 24 2011, 09:03AM

Great games last nite, enjoyed, good time.
Re: scrim 3/23/2011
russa, Thu Mar 24 2011, 10:43AM

I wish I had taken a screen shot of the scores to post. Next time I'll make sure to do so. The last match was intense. Frog and his team did a good job of infiltrating our bases. The last base we dug in and camped the last objective, for the win. Woot
Re: scrim 3/23/2011
Reflux, Thu Mar 24 2011, 12:08PM

First of all your sig. banner says your top dogtags taken are Frog, myself , and Dank? I say BAH!

When we were playing defense, the first objective seemed to go quickly. I ran up to the hill to stop you guys short, but you circumvented that by dropping Dank off in the back right of our base (anchor point) by choppa. This has been a proven strat so far.

On the second objective, Dank tried it again and was doing a fine job at it. Once we got him and his comrades cleared out, our only remaining goal was to get the "TEAM" focused on Alpha and let Bravo go. You must hold the high ground, maintain lots of health packs and ammo packs. there were still 30+ tickets remaining once we gained control of the hill. It seemed inevitable that we would lose, but we were able to pull it together and stick it out.

It seemed like we walked right through you guys on the first two objectives and that the third objective took longer than both previous ones together. We must have touched Bravo a hundred times. Dank on the heavy, deep in base, plus a well organized defense paid off. I enjoyed playing gunner to Sas's piloting skillzzzzz. I just held the trigger down and spot, spot, spot, spot, spot. I could hear explosions of nikki in the back of my mind, "Somebody blow the f*&!#$ing chopper up!"

One thing that rang clear to me in these two rounds. There are players, and there are team players. Team or iTeam? Sorry Apple, there ain't no 'i' in 'Team'. Organized, coordinated, concise communication, game awareness, self control. The elements of a great team. There were some on both sides that either talked too much, complained too much, or marched to the beat of their own drum. These things tear down a team, decay the morale, and eventually lose the game.

In final words, great game and I would do it again.

Re: scrim 3/23/2011
LadyHellfire*, Thu Mar 24 2011, 03:03PM

Reflux heard correctly. I actually muted myself several times... my team likely wishes I had done so more often.

J was absent on start as Attackers, afk for first objective+. No real teamwork, which resulted in failure. As Defenders, we lost Xsmoker, still no real teamwork, actually surprised the other team lost. Even with the win, I felt enough shame to take responsibility, and commit seppuku.

Good games!
Would be nice to have a 3-4 team Squad Deathmatch night, maybe play 2-3 maps for 100 tickets each....
Re: scrim 3/23/2011
DankRider, Thu Mar 24 2011, 04:30PM

Attackers: Some points
- Chopper is the X factor that can change the dynamics of the game. A good pilot can not only be a taxi, but utilize the terrine as a defense advantage.
- Anchor Points: A player that will hide near an objective so others can spawn on them. This player should typically be a medic but all players on a squad should first focus on securing a anchor prior to obtaining an objective.
- Medics: Medics are more important than any other gear set, simply because you can revive players regaining a ticket that may be lost.

Defense: Some Points

- Defensive Stance: Never for any reason move beyond your 25 yard line. Moving in towards the attackers does no justice for your other team mates. In fact you should never leave the base. Defensive players need to be relatively close together spread out between the 2 objectives.
- Heavy Guns: The defensive team rarely gets vehicles instead they get Heavy Guns. Utilize them to mow down trees, buildings, and other cover. Heavy Guns can be one of the only effective ways to combat a smoke using chopper.
- Identify the Primary Objective: the objective that cant be earned by knocking a building down. the Objective that is tougher to obtain. In my opinion Objective "A" was the primary objective for all fazes of this map.
- Medic's/Assault Teams: Drop ammo and medic packs and continuously toss nades in the general direction of the enemy.
- Clearing the Base: If you see a chopper taxing players it only takes one squad to clear the base.

Reflux's Comment

One thing that rang clear to me in these two rounds. There are players, and there are team players. Team or iTeam? Sorry Apple, there ain't no 'i' in 'Team'. Organized, coordinated, concise communication, game awareness, self control. The elements of a great team. There were some on both sides that either talked too much, complained too much, or marched to the beat of their own drum. These things tear down a team, decay the morale, and eventually lose the game.


Last Point:
- OMG the excessive chatter was mind blowing.
(I wish folks could use push to talk if they cant control themselves.) ~ You know who you are but if you are not using push to talk Please Dont give the rest of us you version of play by play.
(If you question if your one of those that chatter excessively, watch Ts3 while playing, even in a general game, if your mic is lighting up more than 2-3 times a minute ~ lock it up)
80% of the chatter is not necessary. Game awareness along with the easy to use "Spot Key", can replace chatter. Need ammo or a medic spot the appropriate player on your team and the request is sent. See a chopper "Spot it" Done, no need to have a play by play CONTINUOUS convo telling your team mates where it is.

Bottom Line:
Fun Stuff, just some growing pains to work out.