KittyBoy/PolarBear/BSDCat's setup (and how he plays so well)

KittyBoy, Thu Mar 24 2011, 02:12AM

Hey, Just wanted to show some reasons why I manage to play so well as to allow for vocalization of "Hacking Accusations" and the works. I hope to help people understand a modified client does not mean hacking and it is rather an uneducated thought to think it does mean hacking.

I pretty much play exclusively on FSK405|Superman. I love that map so much, thanks to everybody who makes this map and server possible!

Now down to business. My computing platform:

Nothing too spiffy right? I try to keep it that way. Anyways, except for my time on Ubuntu, I've been running the client built from the sourcecode. It so happened that I was playing not too long ago that somebody was curious as to how I was doing so well. I loosely mentioned my client being modified to work on my platform, and this individual thought it was hacking. I went forward and attempted to explain, but to no real success.

Here is the packing stuff I use to get this stuff working:
  1. FreeBSD: Apparently while on FreeBSD, I was using ioquake3 with a patch that makes it appear as ioUrbanTerror.;content-type=text%2Fplain
  2. GNU/Linux: On Gentoo, I recently created my own ebuild utilizing the ioUrbanTerror sources. Here it is: (and yes, I know it is a very sloppy jobber, but it works.)

I should also note, I use the proprietary drivers from NVidia because they work best for my card.

Other than that, my ping is usually the lowest on the FSK405|Superman server, with that being around ~25-~50ms. My FPS is rather smooth as well (125 FPS max, it's surreal >:-P).

My binds are pretty much default except:

BTW, indeed my name is winstonw elsewhere (As you can see from the Bitbucket URL). Have any more questions, concerns, or comments?, be sure to post!!

Please note: I don't know if my setup is that great, I just know it works well and seems successful. I don't take reliable benchmarks. I also like to think the reason I win is not with the setup, but with my video-gaming skills with this particular game. (I suck at a lot of othre games…)
Re: KittyBoy/PolarBear/BSDCat's setup (and how he plays so well)
BanMe, Thu Mar 24 2011, 07:30AM

I can see this getting trolled really hard.

Anyway, my autoexec and .cfgs are in FSK uploads if anyones interested.

creeper put a crosshair color changer in there somewhere. It lets you cycle between 50 custom colors. Highly recommend using that one.
Re: KittyBoy/PolarBear/BSDCat's setup (and how he plays so well)
Boogie Knight, Thu Mar 24 2011, 08:59PM

KittyBoy...we have a problem. An admin sent me a couple of demos of you and I agree that it looks it like a cheat. Too many times you seem preoccupied with players that aren't visible and then, out of nowhere, you zoom and snap all at once to a player flying in the air and hit him, all without having previously seen him. The ban is in the Superman thread. The demo will be posted there as well.
I would be interested to hear WHY you made this post?
Re: KittyBoy/PolarBear/BSDCat's setup (and how he plays so well)
Sasquatch, Thu Mar 24 2011, 09:46PM

Looks like a bot to me :|
Re: KittyBoy/PolarBear/BSDCat's setup (and how he plays so well)
Explorateur, Thu Mar 24 2011, 11:59PM

wow if an APE or pretty much the boogie man can spot a bot...then its got to be so

Re: KittyBoy/PolarBear/BSDCat's setup (and how he plays so well)
deleted-user, Fri Mar 25 2011, 12:13AM

I'm glad you've found the open source software community, kittyboy. I love me some FreeBSD. I first ran gentoo back in the day (when it was new, kernel 2.4 days). Gentoo might have all the newest stuff. But BSD's got 30 years of history and experience under it's belt. Maturity shows and pays nice dividends. (FYI: BSD/Linux experience does help land certain jobs, especially at college.)

I find it weird, frankly, that some people use OSS for bad ends.
Re: KittyBoy/PolarBear/BSDCat's setup (and how he plays so well)
Frog, Fri Mar 25 2011, 12:33AM

My first install of Gentoo was back in the day when you started with a Stage one install. Took forever to complete stage three, but by the end of the install process, my P1 233 w/three sticks of 128MB of RAM kicked ass and ran so smoothly.

Anyways, if you want to get to the bottom of the real issue of being banned...I'd recommend speaking to one of the Superman Admins in our TeamSpeak3 server. Forums are great, but having a personal conversation can expedite a resolution one way or other.
Re: KittyBoy/PolarBear/BSDCat's setup (and how he plays so well)
KittyBoy, Fri Mar 25 2011, 02:33AM

Well, quite the developments! I didn't expect this, but then again, what was I to expect?! Thanks for the concern and the honesty.

Boogey Knight: I made this thread because I was talking to Crazy Assassin (sorry bud, didn't want to drag you into this…) on the server, and it appeared that he was going to see about getting me banned for having a "modified client" or similar, so I decided to share with the community what "modified client" exactly means in this case, and any sort of preferences I prefer when playing Urban Terror. I don't really know who is an authoritative player or not (e.g. admin or a voice onto an admin) so I assumed that Crazy Assassin was capable of something.

I may just take up your advice Frog, though I'll have to toy with TS3.

Though this is probably not the right place to discuss my ban, I should mention the predictability of possible target locations and the lack of a very variable trajectory when flyin' about makes Superman quite easy once you understand it. BTW I haven't looked at the other thread yet, so please don't think I have yet.
Re: KittyBoy/PolarBear/BSDCat's setup (and how he plays so well)
KittyBoy, Fri Mar 25 2011, 03:46AM

Can somebody tell me how to get on the TS3 server? I have no clue and have failed epically at finding instructions. Sorry in advance. ffs, info in the right margin, I just had to have my browser window skinny ;-)
Re: KittyBoy/PolarBear/BSDCat's setup (and how he plays so well)
DankRider, Fri Mar 25 2011, 02:25PM

Locked by DankRider as KittyBoy has requested an open trial.

Trial thread: