Funstuff command

DoLT, Wed Jan 12 2011, 03:00PM

Anyone remember the command for the bulldozer tree and stealth? and what character you have to be for it?
Re: Funstuff command
DankRider, Wed Jan 12 2011, 03:39PM

the client and server need to have the map installed in order to see the effect.

Map: ut4_iron_arena / ut4_ironarena

I think you have to be a male character.

/funred ?????
/funblue ?????

I think the command is: /funblue dozer - /funred palm
You can unzip the map and go to models/player/funstuff
Re: Funstuff command
DoLT, Wed Jan 12 2011, 03:52PM

I figured it out. Thanks