-= FSK405 -v- [Um3] Algiers =- 2010-12-23

DankRider, Thu Dec 23 2010, 10:51PM

-= FSK405 -v- [Um3] Algiers =- 2010-12-23
-= FSK405 -v- [Um3] Algiers =- 2010-12-23
Round 1: Algiers Server Host: [Um3] SUB: FSK405|Fudaddy Blue / FSK405 = 08 Red / [Um3] = 23 Overview: Round 2: Algiers Server Host: FSK405 SUB: Blue / [Um3] = 01 Red / FSK405 = 33 Overview:. Score Total: FSK405: 41 [Um3]: 24 ~~~~~Post Your Battle Rant Here~~~~~

Re: -= FSK405 -v- [Um3] Algiers =- 2010-12-23
BanMe, Thu Dec 23 2010, 10:57PM

Red map. Good Game
Re: -= FSK405 -v- [Um3] Algiers =- 2010-12-23
Binge and Grab, Fri Dec 24 2010, 04:10AM

i knew i should have gone to wrap present after the first half.
Re: -= FSK405 -v- [Um3] Algiers =- 2010-12-23
deleted-user, Fri Dec 24 2010, 04:43AM

Perhaps sooner than later we'll win both rounds ;)

I know all these fancy-smancy games are coming out (Battle Field This and Battle Field That). But the team and overall game play we had tonight makes me wonder why I'd ever bother with those 'other' games!

Thanks for being sports about everything, Um3 + sp33dy + Whitedog + FSK405.
Sp33dy's a heck of an asset and Whitedog's a hell of an a$$[et].

Without getting too much into details:

First round:
-We held both sides of the middle building very well. Just total domination and not too much strategy.

Second round:
-We couldn't have more than 1 sub and that kind of hurt...(ask me on ts3 if you want to know why subs help a match)
-FSK405 held more territory more strongly in the second round.
-More territory == more caps, simple as that.

The first round marks the first time we've completely dominated an FSK405 team.
Re: -= FSK405 -v- [Um3] Algiers =- 2010-12-23
fu daddy, Fri Dec 24 2010, 11:11AM

The first round was really tough for us. We couldn't get too your balcony or hold the middle. Even though we did get to camel around half of the time, we couldn't hold it with your balcony guy coming to our flag and shooting us in the back. Excellent shooting the first round Um3.

The second round we did pretty much what you guys did to us in the first round. We made it to your balcony and took your palm tree allowing us to cap. We also shot a lot better and played better as a team.

Excellent games. I think the main thing the rounds showed was that red owns the map and whoever shoots better always wins on Algiers.
Re: -= FSK405 -v- [Um3] Algiers =- 2010-12-23
Gladi8r, Fri Dec 24 2010, 12:07PM

Good times FSK. Merry Christmas, eddybody.
Re: -= FSK405 -v- [Um3] Algiers =- 2010-12-23
DankRider, Fri Dec 24 2010, 01:34PM

Good times great rounds.

- Nice to be humbled.

Some points Round One: Things we can all learn from.
- In a typical round our communication is on point with limited excess chatter. For FSK405, This round was fraught with overlapping dysfunctional chatter quickly turning the TS environment into a sea of negativity. As I had expressed in a different scrim battle rant. Once negativity creeps into a teams chatter it's typically game over. Folks start giving themselves excuses while playing with emotion and anger. Never works.
- In addition to the negativity we had a member that didn't know his route and or was modifying things as he saw fit. This forced our other members to have to try to compensate playing a reactive game. Over all point being: All it takes it one player that marches to his own beat throwing things off to the point of no return. You will never know if your strategy will work unless all members adhere to it.

[Um3] Suggestion:
Your all good gunners just one thing you lack as a team. = Movement and jumping skills. Seems like BanMe is one of the only Um3 members that understands the games movement physics as he blazes across the maps. Simple suggestion learn a couple basic jump maps. If you can combine your gunning skills with some speed your set. --- Im not the best shot and die a lot but i can get there really freaking quick.
Re: -= FSK405 -v- [Um3] Algiers =- 2010-12-23
Binge and Grab, Fri Dec 24 2010, 02:36PM

i agree with danks post, i found myself getting frustrated in the second match at the mid way point, definitely tough to continue to play when in that state of mind. i also agree with the movement, i know how to move and jump abit, but i often find myself not moving as i should and trying to kill frog as he pinballs right by me. all in all gg's and happy holidays to all !
Re: -= FSK405 -v- [Um3] Algiers =- 2010-12-23
xyster, Fri Dec 24 2010, 04:44PM

how did I get 42 deaths?! that's all i wanna know... Probably started when Binge turned on the SR8. We got a little nervous there. you could smell the fear in TS.
Re: -= FSK405 -v- [Um3] Algiers =- 2010-12-23
Binge and Grab, Fri Dec 24 2010, 04:57PM

haha sometimes that my only chance, cant kill you guys up close :)