-= FSK405 Sunday Night Scrim =- 2010-03-09 October 3rd, 2010 8:00est

DankRider, Sun Oct 03 2010, 10:01PM

-= FSK405 Sunday Night Scrim =-
October 3rd, 2010 8:00est
battle rants by: Fudaddy Scrim Settings: (Settings per FSK405 Member Discussions) - FSK405 members have the right to ask minors to sit out. - Rosters locked once teams are selected. - Server Password is changed. - FSK405 members are allowed to Spectate if teams are even and a match is in progress. - Balanced Teams Required unless the captains choose otherwise. If there are an uneven number of available players the facilitator will ask for a volunteer to Substitute. If no player volunteers, the captains will select a player. Substitutes will be logged to insure no one is a consistent SUB. - SUB's can be a valued asset to a team being the eyes, ears, and voice of the team dont view it as a punishment. - All above settings can be modified per captains approval. Round 1: Algiers Facilitator: DankRider SUB: Captains: (Blue) Fudaddy -Vs- (Red) Earl Blue = 04 Red = 05 Overview:. The map was a very well played map by both sides. After a cap by blue, red came back to cap 3 straight. This was how it stayed for quite a while. Both sides played very evenly with blue trying to get into red's spawn and red trying to hold Frog off on the right. Red would kill most of blue when they got to their flag and counterattack effectively. Both teams traded caps at the end to get to the final score. Excellent round. Round 2: Canyon Facilitator: DankRider Fudaddy SUB: Captains: (Blue) Frog -Vs- (Red) Yeti Blue = 02 Red = 00 Overview: By having what seemed like a superior strategy and outgunning red, blue dominated both the right side and the left side. Despite red holding middle, blue pushed far enough to cap inside ten minutes. The rest of the map was the same, with blue capping one more time for a 2-0 win. Round 3: Filtration Facilitator: Frog Fudaddy SUB: Captains: (Blue) Russa -Vs- (Red) DankRider Blue = 00 Red = 03 Overview:. Red pushed from all sides and held mostly the whole map. Blue had very few pushes to the flag as they had to play defense most of the map. Red capped after 10 minutes and added two more soon thereafter. Nothing much else to say. ~~~~~Post Your Battle Rant Here~~~~~

1286161187 791 FT0 Sunday Scrim 2010 10 03
Re: -= FSK405 Sunday Night Scrim =- 2010-03-09 October 3rd, 2010 8:00est
xyster, Sun Oct 03 2010, 11:13PM

Oh yea and add that red camped the flag on Filtration.

It was a lot of fun this week! It's too bad Sundays go by so fast.