Team Speak

, Thu Mar 03 2005, 08:56PM

I was just wondering how well team speak works in a team environment. Ie not a pub and with all team on ts. I can afford to go buy a mic now but was thinking of waiting uz Im building a new machine any way.. (Im tired of trying to kill you all with only 20 fps). Loving the test version of ut by the way. "WHAT FLAG?.. This isnt TDM.. oh god! Oh ya I noticed your server is empty alot.. could you turn on voting so when its empty I can go jump around in superman? :) [ Edited ]
Re: Team Speak
FSK405 Earl, Fri Mar 04 2005, 01:34AM

Well teamspeak works great. If you have a CPU like yours it might not, but either way it's worth a try, you will need one eventually right?

We'll see what we can do to get voting enabled.
Re: Team Speak
Kr0m, Fri Mar 04 2005, 05:40AM

greenCAN, how far from you in AB were those RCMP officers killed from that raid the other day?
Re: Team Speak
, Fri Mar 04 2005, 08:29PM

Im hour west of Calgary and the R.C.M.P were killed west of Edmonton.. so pretty close. Makes me sick.