bad company clan

jaker, Sat Aug 21 2010, 02:39AM

don't have bad company 2 anymore, but still have bad company 1

would like to get into clan because of reason:

bad company is really underrated on youtube, I'd like to see success videos based on attacks and approaches, ways of flanking etc.

and yes, we all know bad company 2 is bad ass
Re: bad company clan
ghozt, Sat Aug 21 2010, 12:57PM

you might have better luck on the bad company 1 forums.. Also it's console only, no pc. Also who care's about user vid's from teenagers on youtube (I've seen some great video's too btw..), get the game and play it.
Re: bad company clan
jaker, Mon Aug 23 2010, 01:09AM

i have the game, and the reason I love videos isn't for promotional purposes. And I know that ps live and xbox live is filled with dumb little teenage gits who think they are hard. I especially know that because they spam the room with their mic chat and it's always some 13 year old kid telling everyone he is hard.

anyway I want the videos because bad company 1 to me is like the most movie like game ever, and it kicks ass. It's so bad ass and has such a real world feeling to it, I like videos because it's like watching a movie and at the same time shows how kick ass the game is.

i was thinking of this when I was playing a match and we were getting our ass kicked, they were using artillery and tanks and the helicopter and snipers, I could barely spawn without getting owned. And then we came back and flanked them and whupped their ass. It was classic like a movie or something and I was like "damn, wish I would have recorded this."

first we used laser designated artillery and air drop missiles to take out the tanks. then in the few seconds between the artillery guy firing we got on the flak cannon and took out the copter. Then the artillery was still pwning us so I got in a tank and rolled over to the enemy base as fast as possible barely dodging rockets and laser bomb drops and shit, and blew up the artillery gun. It was classic. So I was thinking more videos would be bad ass. I probably would have better luck on the bad company 1 forums, but fsk is kick ass and I would love to see an urban terror friend on bad company, if anyone has a console.

and I know you have to be good to be in fsk especially on urt but I was hoping that since my score on bad company is always decent since I try and flank that it'd be worth it. Plus you can't win on bad company 1 solo the way you can on urt where one guy gets like 30 kills and 1 death. It just doesn't work that way. Bad company is like a game of chess, it takes team work otherwise you'll just get owned with explosives and pinned down from fire. I want to play with some people that know how to use good team work, so I can get in there with some artillery or a tank and blow those crates up. Let me know thanks!
Re: bad company clan
jaker, Mon Aug 23 2010, 01:11AM

you might have better luck on the bad company 1 forums.. Also it's console only, no pc. Also who care's about user vid's from teenagers on youtube (I've seen some great video's too btw..), get the game and play it.


btw favorite kit on bad company 2 is engineer huh? I love that kit but I can't say I have a favorite. I've played bad company 2 online for 2 weeks actually, and honest I think my favorite weapon is the dillon mini gun with the strafing helicopter, although it's only as effective as the helicopter pilot is good at flying. I'm going to get bad company 2 soon, and hope someone has a console so I can add them. Have a blast!