ghozt, Mon Jul 19 2010, 02:43PM

This shit's pretty funny..
im gonna do the shoot recon with tracer darts from now on in rush mode!

Trolling for Dummies

The following is a list of ways and techniques you can piss off your fellow BC2 players.

* Play squad deathmatch online at about 5pm EST. Wear a mike. The game will be full, and assorted mothers will start screaming that dinner is ready. Hilarity is like taking candy from a baby at this point.

* Place anti-tanks mines directly in front of unoccupied vehicles Place mines in front of unoccupied vehicles, get in, park over them, and get out. Wait in a bush and wait for ensuing lulz.

* In Arica Harbour, recons like to think they are re-inventing the wheel by jumping from that rock onto the top of that tree at the far end of the map. Patience, young grasshopper; after he gets a kill or 2, some friends will join the party. Carl Gustav the neck of whoever is in the middle. RRRAAAAAAAGGGGEEEEEE!!!11one11!

* Throw 2 or 3 bricks of C4 on a quad or a Hummer, and go Jihad on someone's ass.

* If a member of your squad has been camping the same hill for 10 minutes with only 2 kills to show for it, shoot him in the face with a tracer. Anyone with a decent TV will see him as rudolph's nose, and he will see nothing but a giant red flashing light until he dies and re-spawns. No tracer? No worries; just equip your biggest/loudest gun, stand on his back, and empty all of your cartridges as quickly as possible aiming at everything and nothing. He will cry like a bairn for revealing his ZOMG SEKRIT!!!11one1! hiding place, and every enemy on the map will fall over themselves to spam grenades, RPGs, and lazors at the rukus.

* If you're playing Rush on any map where the objective is in a destructible building, go assault, equip a shotgun, extra explosive ammo, and extra explosive damage. Then throw down an ammo box, and wire the whole building with 6 C4 charges and blow it up. If done correctly the building will collapse after doing this two times.

* If you're a defender in Rush, go Recon, call a mortar strike on the enemy base, suicide, and repeat. Respawning is 4x faster than waiting for the cooldown to finish, and defenders get infinite respawns.

* Tracer tag friendly vehicles. To make them shiny. However it will help your team if an enemy GTAs it from a retarded teammate.

* If you see an engineer leave his tank to repair it... Steal it! Or even better, attach several bricks of C4 to the opposite side, and detonate only after it has been fully repaired and the engineer is back in. If its a teammate blow it up before he get back in. Bonus points if it's a teammate.

* If you ever see a squad of just recon players camping the same spot, go assault and spam 40MM smoke grenades.

* When piloting a fully-loaded Black-hawk, leave the map.

* Hit a friendly Black-hawk in the tail with the Carl Gustav. Though you can't kill it, the physics engine will make it take a nose-dive and crash. Call the pilot a noob.

* C4 a chopper or a tank, and leave it in enemy territory.

* Use the repair tool to get a head-shot.

* Use the 40mm smoke grenades to get a kill.

* Grenade occupied sniper towers.

* Get two engineers to ride on the side seats on the black-hawk, and have them use the repair drill while riding in it. Especially effective on Isla Innocentes.

* Shotgun slugs aren't affected by bullet drop. Snipe with them.

* Additionally, on hardcore, shotguns are the only guns to keep their crosshair. Seriously, snipe with them.

* Form a squad of 4 M60 Medics on a map with no vehicles.

* Be low on ammo and look at someone with an Assault kit, and spam the spot button. Doesn't work. All assault players are deaf.

* Equip the Vehicle Alt Weapon perk, and go on strafing runs in the UAV.

* This one requires some teamwork. Place 6-18 bricks of c4 on an accomplice's UAV. Have them proceed to fly up to the fully loaded Blackhawk or M-Com of their choosing. Detonate.

* Run a friendly or enemy helicopter into the ground with the UAV.

* Be a recon and brag on your mike about your perfect sniping spot on top of a building. Once 10 other snipers arrive C4 the building and let Destruction 2.0 do the rest.

* Shoot a teammate's AT mines and C4 when they lay it, causing it to explode and make them commit suicide

* Equip the SSprn-2 (Faster sprint) and Sarm-2 (increased infantry armor) specs and run around knifing like a motherfucker. Guaranteed to cause lulz as fags will stare in disbelief as you absorb their bullets like a fucking sponge and just keep running.

* Attach C4 to a Quad or Hummer. Drive towards enemy base. Jump out, and it'll keep going. Blow that motherfucker up when it's next to a tank. Alternative: Park it next to the enemy tank spawn. Alternative Alternative: Shoot someone who's doing this, the explosion's going to be huge.

* Destroy enemy tanks at the spawn, remembering where the exact point is. Plant C4 underneath them. Hide. Wait for tanks to respawn. Wait for someone to get in them. Win.

* See that douchebag in the sniper tower who isn't getting any kills? Plant C4 on at least three of the legs. Detonate that shit. Instant Team Kill, even outside of hardcore.
LadyHellfire*, Mon Jul 19 2010, 04:39PM

Darting ANYONE rules.

Bricking any vehicle rules. Just ask Teh Kamikaze Amphibian.. 12 bricks, dozen attempts.. epic funny.

oops- edit! forgot this one: collapse buildings with your own team on the second floor. most likely, i will get a kick-ban for this.. eventually.. Collapsing them on ANY wookies is good, as wookies are woodland, or at the very least outdoor, creatures. We must help them to remember this.
BanMe, Mon Jul 19 2010, 05:13PM

Darting ANYONE rules.

Spoken from experience. I'm one of her victims. lol
ghozt, Mon Jul 19 2010, 05:32PM

lol I light her up all the time!
LadyHellfire*, Mon Jul 19 2010, 08:46PM

LOL!!! Everytime Ghozt is in my squad, I will listen for that "ffffffft!" sound after he spawns. Oh- and darting Ban is simply to make the game fair for the rest of us!!!