what isGuiddb.com?

hud13, Sun Jan 09 2005, 09:28PM

I was looking at your site today and noticed the addition of the link above so I went there and low and behold I was listed there for some sort of a pb violation. Can someone help explain this to me for I am no damn cheater or anything else as for as that goes. I do get a meesage sometimes when I first join a server and it is at the very first when the game is looading that says "client unknown" and something else ,I can't remember exactly, but I am always able to connect but I don't want anyone thinking that I am cheating or anything else.So How would I correct this problem if it is a problem at all. Any help would be appreciated
Re: what isGuiddb.com?
FSK405 Earl, Mon Jan 10 2005, 02:11AM

Well hud, all I can suggest is getting a hold of evenbalance, the administrators of Punkbuster. You have a "PB Integrity" violation. I have seen it before but I have never seen people get kicked for it, which they normally do with a hack. I have played with you for years and wouldn't think you hack, but check with them. If anyone else replies with more info, cool! Post what you find out for them so we all know.

Re: what isGuiddb.com?
el kabong, Mon Jan 10 2005, 08:01AM

I believe I read somewhere that you get "PB Integrity" violations when your pb isn't updating properly. It may be timing out, which is fairly common and you don't have to do anything about it..

On the other hand, it may be something to do with the oob packets that pb sends which your router may be discarding. If this is the case, you will need to fix it before pb starts kicking for this "violation." A firmware upgrade to your router may do the trick.

Also, someone said if you are not logged into an account with admin rights on XP you can get integrity violations. This is because, as a limited user, pb can't access the config, log and driver files it needs to check in order to determine if they have been tampered with.
Re: what isGuiddb.com?
Scarlett, Mon Jan 10 2005, 02:14PM

who knew it'd be that deep of a prob...
Re: what isGuiddb.com?
hud13, Mon Jan 10 2005, 02:46PM

I play utq3 all the time and the other day I went to a site "guiddb.com" and it said that I had pb intergity problems. I play under the name "hud13". I have never cheated, I would never cheat I play all the time and the only time I have ever been kicked was because I didn't have the right version of pb. I have to manually update my pb when you all update your version. Anyway I was wondering if you might be able to shed some light on this because it bothers me that I might be considered a cheater. However I do sometimes but not all the time receive a message when utq3 fisrt starts loading , "client _unknown _unknown to _ath ". Any help and response would be truly appreciated. Thanks again for your time, looking forward to your reply. " For all to know this is the email I sent evenbalance about my problem as I have'nt heard from them yet but it has only been 1 day so I will give them some time to reply and I'm in no hurry because I can still play utq3 so I can afford to be patient, but as soon as I hear from them I will post here. Thanks again ya'll I have had a great time playin utq3 with you all over the years (has it been that long) " [ Edited Mon Jan 10 2005, 02:49PM ]
Re: what isGuiddb.com?
hud13, Tue Jan 11 2005, 08:50AM

Ok here is what I heard back from evenbalance.


That is an issue with communication to the auth server. It could have been down ( it happens ) or a network issue. You can try the command


in the console and see if that helps. That will try to reissue the command that you failed previously.

Re: what isGuiddb.com?
, Tue Jan 11 2005, 08:45PM

hud, did the command they issue to you work?
Typically, this type of 'violation' isn't really a cheat so I wouldn't lose any sleep over it. It'll most likely work itself out. There's a lot of people that get this so called violation.
Re: what isGuiddb.com?
hud13, Wed Jan 12 2005, 02:10PM

Nah, I never really needed to do anything because I could still join all the severs so the only real problem I had was that I was listed on the guid site and I thought I had been flagged as a cheat on those days, but as for as me being banned or punished that never took place. But I do take some sort of offense when I think I might be accused of cheating in some way, my reputation is what is at stake, but I'm paranoid a little I guess and I didn't what anyone here (fsk,ur, an everyone else) having the opinion that I in some way was cheating in some way. Its hard enough to find populated servers now days without that hanging around my neck. B)
Re: what isGuiddb.com?
el kabong, Thu Jan 13 2005, 03:25PM

Krom, stop logging in as hud (lol)
Re: what isGuiddb.com?
, Thu Jan 13 2005, 03:55PM

lol.. heya el kabong... ltns!

hud13, no kidding man.
As for that site, TheSpaceDude had it set to log everything PB reported which obviously included non-cheat specific problems. I'm not sure if he plans on filtering these out (like he does for his bot in IRC) on his website.
Re: what isGuiddb.com?
el kabong, Thu Jan 20 2005, 07:02AM

lol.. heya el kabong... ltns!


I've been around.....I've been playing as one.take.dizzle since late October. So, you've been kicking my ass all along!
Re: what isGuiddb.com?
FSK405 Earl, Thu Jan 20 2005, 05:49PM

lol.. heya el kabong... ltns!


I've been around.....I've been playing as one.take.dizzle since late October. So, you've been kicking my ass all along!

el kabong

Oh, so you are my bitch? Got it! !amazed
Re: what isGuiddb.com?
, Thu Jan 20 2005, 10:16PM

lol.. heya el kabong... ltns!


I've been around.....I've been playing as one.take.dizzle since late October. So, you've been kicking my ass all along!

el kabong

LOL, doh!
How's sigterm makin out?
Re: what isGuiddb.com?
el kabong, Fri Jan 21 2005, 08:46AM

Kr0m, Sigterm is too busy with his xbox to play Urban Terror with us anymore. All he wants to do is play Madden 2005. He is still quite stellar at retrieving fresh beers, though.

Earl, I do seem to recall the one time that you fragged me. I was out of ammo and reading a magazine. I admit, it was some nice shooting on your part. I caught three rounds in the left leg and two in the right hand and bled out. It had staying power too because I usually respawn in 5 seconds and it was almost 7 seconds before I respawned and relieved your neck of all of that dead weight it had been supporting. 8)
Re: what isGuiddb.com?
FSK405 Earl, Fri Jan 21 2005, 01:44PM

LMAO! I guess your right, but I take a kill any way I can get it. Even it means camping Tick Storage.