Battlefield Bad Company 2: Vietnam?

DankRider, Mon Jun 14 2010, 03:14PM

Our French friends at NoFrag acquired an EA press release ahead of schedule, primarily dealing with the launch of The Gun Club, a community involvement initiative for EA's range of shooters. However, it also announces a Vietnam-era expansion pack for Battlefield: Bad Company 2, which tracks with EA teasing that there would be "something Battlefield" at today's press event:

Electronic Arts Inc.. today unveiled the Gun Club, a loyalty program that rewards players when they indulge in their favorite activity: playing in their tracks preferred. Gun Club members receive benefits such as the content is unlocked, an early access to test betas and demos, plus the latest news and exclusive contact with the development teams. The Gun Club brings together some of the biggest commercial and critical success in the world, including Battlefield: Bad Company 2, Medal of Honor and a brand new expansion pack for Digital Battlefield: Bad Company 2 taking place in Vietnam.Other titles will follow, including offers for Battlefield Heroes and Dead Space 2.

Beginning today, customers VIP Battlefield: Bad Company 2 may recover awards Medal of Honor, such as early access to beta for Medal of Honor and a weapon to unlock in the full version of the game (the sniper rifle M24). By using their profile as a profile of existing EA Member of the Gun Club, players will access content that could give them an edge in combat. To find out what rewards they are entitled, they can visit the official Gun Club site.

"With this program, our games are no longer individual products and include a range of ecosystem in our securities. By the same token, we show the fans that we appreciate their loyalty. The Gun Club offers a platform to cross the public of our games, interact directly with the players and further enhance the experience of our customers, "said Jeff Karp, senior vice president of marketing at EA. "Today we launch the Gun Club with Battlefield: Bad Company 2 and Medal of Honor, two of the best titles out this year ... And this is just the beginning!"

Cute scene stealing EA, I'm sure Activision and Treyarch will be thoroughly amused.
Re: Battlefield Bad Company 2: Vietnam?
LadyHellfire*, Mon Jun 14 2010, 11:47PM

Announced on their page, with vid(s)!
Re: Battlefield Bad Company 2: Vietnam?
LadyHellfire*, Mon Jun 14 2010, 11:50PM

love this comment:

6 minutes ago
When that song started playing I started saying no this isn't happening.
Then when it said Vietnam, lets just say? my computer was very sticky afterwards.
Re: Battlefield Bad Company 2: Vietnam?
Gladi8r, Tue Jun 15 2010, 01:03AM

Far out, man.
Re: Battlefield Bad Company 2: Vietnam?
BanMe, Tue Jun 15 2010, 11:31AM

I want this. Cant wait till winter 2010 now.