this has probably been asked, but could we put more rooms in superman pre?

jaker, Thu Mar 11 2010, 12:55PM

if it hasn't, then I'll ask now

its a nice map, a few more rooms in each building with windows would be pretty cool

also maybe create a lobby that you could enter for the buildings you can't enter?

i love the map though, reminds me of duke nukem 3d in a way
Re: this has probably been asked, but could we put more rooms in superman pre?
deleted-user, Thu Mar 11 2010, 01:30PM

Are you still playing superman_pre when superman is out?

Anyway, the mapper's already working on the next iteration. See this thread:

Some or all of your suggestions have already been made here:

Supersoldier's going to be awesome. It'll blow away all previous versions of the map. Hell, it'll blow away all other maps, but the Duck wont admit that ;)
Re: this has probably been asked, but could we put more rooms in superman pre?
jaker, Thu Mar 11 2010, 03:06PM

whoops, did I say pre

don't know if I played pre, just got the name stuck in my head

wow the next iteration is almost out huh?

thats already the best map, its bad ass
next one is supersoldier?

anyway my fav maps out of all games are still the ones on duke 3d, dont know why, just really well balanced, and the space ones are kickass

dont know if duke forever is ever coming out, which sucks since it actually is what.... like half done? Guess every company is sueing now, activision, take two

the thing though is, without the developers, those companies wouldn't make crap for money, like bioshock developers? cmon thats insane work put into those games

anyway ill say wily duck is like yves bresson, a very good unknown developer at the least