Littlefoot hax!!!

Littlefoot, Fri Feb 19 2010, 03:07PM

So I was out "slummin'" earlier, playing on a server called Police Academy, and this guy named GOD_OF_WAR says "I'm pretty sure FSK is wallhacking". Well, of course I knew he was talking about me because I was the only person in the server with an FSK tag on. So I told him to please make a demo of me wallhacking and while you're at it change your name to princess_of_suck. He said oh, ok. ROFL!!! Then he comes back with "spec is turned off". At that point one of my teammates came to my defense thinking I was raging over the compliment, I mean comment, and tried to calm me down. The whole incident was just hilarious...I love playing on noob servers!!!! This isn't the first time I've been accused on that server. I play there from time to time and when PA admins are around they sometimes get suspicious too. It's that @$$#&$#$%@ config that Keeper gave!!!!
Re: Littlefoot hax!!!
Tranc3r, Fri Feb 19 2010, 04:21PM

You're lucky the admins weren't 12=years-old or you would've been banned if you kill them; happened to me in [Paladin] - worst clan ever.
Re: Littlefoot hax!!!
Boogie Knight, Sat Feb 20 2010, 07:08AM

keeper gave you his cfg? I had to pay!