-= FSK405 Sunday Night Scrim =- 2009-12-27 December 27th, 2009 8:00est

DankRider, Sun Dec 27 2009, 10:29PM

-= FSK405 Sunday Night Scrim =-
December 27th, 2009 8:00est

Scrim Modifications: (Modification per FSK405 member discussions)
- No Minors (Adult Time)
- Rosters locked once teams are selected.
- Server Password is changed.
- The Facilitator can add an additional player to balance teams mid game per approval from the Captains. FSK405 member's take priority.
- FSK405 members are allowed to Spectate if teams are even and a match is in progress.

Round 1: Riyadh
Facilitator: B-Ver
Captains: Whitedog (Blue) -Vs- Earl (Red)
Score: Blue = 0 / Red = 5
(Balanced Teams: Teams may have had even number's but Blue was out gunned with too many snipers and players on defense.)

Round 2: Asylum_b1
Facilitator: DankRider
Captains: WilyDuck (Blue) -Vs- Fudaddy (Red)
Score: Blue = 1 / Red = 2
(Balanced Teams: This map could have gone either way with ballanced teams and solid team work. Red was able to take advantage of a couple of blue's mistakes resulting in a near OT win)

Round 3: Metropolis_b1
Facilitator: B-Ver
Captains: DankRider (Blue) -Vs- Buzzkill (Red)
Score: Blue = 4 / Red = 3
(Balanced Teams: What can i say - it was a close match. Battles were won and lost in the middle of the map. With ballanced teams 4 minutes into OT the JellyBeans won as we held the middle while owning red flag area.)

Post your battle rants here.

Re: -= FSK405 Sunday Night Scrim =- 2009-12-27 December 27th, 2009 8:00est
wily duck, Tue Dec 29 2009, 01:52PM

Definitely some great scrims this night.

Round 1 - Riyadh
Yea we (blue) got pinned down early on. Red was sharp, hard to hit, relentless. Unfortunately I think we were put into a position where defending was our only option once the hill was lost.

Round 2 - Asylum_b1
Pretty evenly matched for the first half of the game. My strategy as a captain was keeping one person on constant D, with a mixed offense. This seemed to work well, but it appeared the strategy fell apart when some players began deviating from their routes. Buzzkill made an awesome run at the end which would have been Blue's victory, until a smoke-bomb carpeting of blue's flag area completely threw us into chaos.

Round 3 - Metropolis_b1
A strange map to play yet quite functional. Definitely needs work on gameplay aspects, like mr. sentry's in spawns, perhaps another room for hiding flags. Spawnkilling became a dominant strategy. Red almost won this, 3-1. Somehow we snitched 2 points in the last few minutes to go into OT. It seemed that the blue team really pulled together at that point, now being familiar with the map, taking red out quite tactically. For the maps' size, it plays like a small map. I'd like to see the next version, as the current is a great baseline map.
Re: -= FSK405 Sunday Night Scrim =- 2009-12-27 December 27th, 2009 8:00est
DankRider, Tue Dec 29 2009, 03:08PM

YA! - Thanks for posting a Battle Rant WilyDuck - !YA
Your one of the first to kick in a detailed follow up
Me likes

Ren And Stimpy2b1

Its always fun to hear the other teams side.
Re: -= FSK405 Sunday Night Scrim =- 2009-12-27 December 27th, 2009 8:00est
wily duck, Wed Dec 30 2009, 05:21PM

There couldn't be a more appropriate pic. :D
Re: -= FSK405 Sunday Night Scrim =- 2009-12-27 December 27th, 2009 8:00est
Whitedog, Thu Dec 31 2009, 08:37AM

Wooden Spoon! Shoots........................ SCORES...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Everyone then commits suicide!


Bada Bump!


Re: -= FSK405 Sunday Night Scrim =- 2009-12-27 December 27th, 2009 8:00est
LadyHellfire*, Thu Dec 31 2009, 12:51PM

Ah, Whitedog... in exile, and scores teh win. And the reactions? LMAO!!! "The spoon scores the win? SERIOUSLY?!?!?!"
"You gotta be kidding me.. spoon just won it?"

Asylum was a rough one. If it were not for the smoke, I think it could have gone a few more minutes, and who knows who would have won. Great games!