Teamspeak 3 technical thread for beginners (client / server)

SG, Fri Dec 25 2009, 09:41AM

TS3 (server side and client side) technicals details for beginners.
!! You do NOT need to remove TS2 client for TS3 client installation. Just install TS3 client in another directory.!!

FSK405 TS3 server trial here: ts3.FSK405.COM / port : 9987 (default)
Mine here: / port 9987 (default). Backup done, do what you want :-)

TS3 features

- Very good voice quality is the main thing to consider. People are in the next room, or even next to you when they use high quality microphone
- File transfer.
- Personal message can be send, even for off-line users (great for clan for quick news/infos diffusion). CRTL + O or Tools/Off-line message
- admins: Administration is done in the client when you are recognized as a admin (and not anymore on a web page). More advanced operation on the database can be done with server query command line interface (see server section below). A lot of features there to learn and a bit confusing when beginning the admin task. But it deserve to be learned. See below for some details.

TS3 Login / authentication / permissions

- TS3 do not use anymore Client login/password for permission. Instead a unique id is used.
- TS3 server admins can assign permissions on this id on a temp or permanent basis for channels/file transfer...).
- TS3 servers will recognize you automatically for next login by this id whatever is your login name.
See backup consideration below to not lose your permissions on a TS3 server if you need to reinstall.

Client Side:

- You do NOT need to remove TS2 client for TS3 client installation. Just install TS3 client on another directory.
- port number 9987 must be open in the firewalls / router

TS2 and TS3 cohabitation
- you can start TS2 client and TS3 client on the same computer. The port default number is not the same so no trouble. It is better to mute mic&speaker on the one you do not use to talk, specially if another friend is connected on the same TS2 server and TS3 server you are, or echo will occur. But if you mute the other TS client, you can still see the activity on both side which is great to reach your friends joining whatever the TS version they are using.

In case of crash and/or re-installation, or just because you wanna use your TS3 client on another computer, you want to recover your permissions on all the TS3 server. To do that you will need to recover your identity, that mean your unique ID.
So do not forget to export that ID into a file that you can re-import later when and where you need it. To do that type CRTL + I then export when in the TS3 client main windows.

Multiple connections to severals TS3 servers
Edit your shortcut to TS3 client and add this at the end: -nosingleinstance
You will be able to connect in multi-tabs inside the same ts3 client instance to severals ts3 servers

Server side:


1st use as an admin: How the admin become the admin for 1st use ? :-)
- Open the 1st log file (in subdirectory .\logs). You will see the 2 lines like:
2009-12-21 06:02:02.604399|WARNING |VirtualServer | 1| ServerAdmin token created, please use the line below
2009-12-21 06:02:02.604399|WARNING |VirtualServer | 1| token=lkdjflskdjflksdjlfjsldjflsdjflk
- select and copy the token (only after the = character)
- open TS3 client with the name you want, it does not matter, this is just a name.
- open menu permissions / use token and paste the token here.
Then you have access to all the admins settings.
=> See backup considerations below.

TS2 server and TS3 server cohabitation:
- you can install TS3 server on the same server than TS2 server is running on, without stopping TS2 server if you have install it on another directory. The port default number is not the same so no trouble.

- TS3 server use a sql database. By default a sqllite, so just a file to backup (ts3server.sqlitedb) which is in the main directory. I guess you just have to backup the SQL database if you have migrate to the complete SQL database with your favourite tool.
- Token: i would say it is a good idea to backup also the admin token used on 1st step to become the admin. (the token is not accessible is the database and is in the 1st log file)

Sound Quality:
Right Click the Channel and select "edit channel". 2 things to consider the Codec (sampling) and the Bandwidth adjustment.
- Speex Narrowband (8khz) : poor but useful for AFK channel to push people go on another channel :-)
- Speex Wide-band (16khz) : much more better but is the middle quality according to me
- Speex Ultra-Wide-band (32khz) : What i call the high quality
- CELT mono (48khz) : very very high quality but god i can not use it my Internet bandwidth is too small to handle a server with that settings

Bandwidth adjustment:
- slide bar you adjust: My prefer setting is max on this slide bar and codec Speex Ultra-Wideband (32khz)

- codec Speex Narrowband (8khz) with max Bandwidth adjustment is 5.10KiB/s
- codec Speex Wideband (16khz) with max Bandwidth adjustment is 7.25KiB/s
- codec Speex Ultra-Wideband (32khz) with max Bandwidth adjustment is 7.47KiB/s <<<<< ====== my preferred
- codec CELT mono (48khz) with max Bandwidth adjustment is KiB/s 19.49KiB/s !!! that why i can not use it :-(

Settings permissions (GUI):
- When someone is logged admin can right click on the name and put him in a temp or perm group, or just give him channels rights on the current channel.
- When admin stay connected, even if the user is disconnect, he can right click on the name and assign permissions. I suggest also to put people in the contacts group. Still with a right click. Contacts can be seen with Tools/contacts.
- Admin can retrieve the unique ID in the contacts list (Tools/contacts),
right click on the name in contact list
select copy unique id to clipboard
then use this to put the user in special group.
EX: menu Permission/server group/click add below right and paste the unique ID. Then user name will appear instead of the uniq id.

Using the server query command line for admin/permissions purposes:
1) Get your password: "Permissions/ServerQuery Login" enter your name and copy the received password in clipboard.
2) open server command query "Tools/ServerQuery" and set (Authentication "login command") and paste that in the command line windows in the left
login YourName yourpasswordYoufoundInStep1)
use sid=1
the commands you want
(use sid=1 is for use the virtualserver 1)

List the known user in your ts3 srv database (connected or not)
login YourName yourpasswordSeeAboveToGetIt
use sid=1

ex of answer =>
cldbid=2 client_unique_identifier=fer3d5d535d3453d client_nickname=User1nickname client_created=1261375418 client_lastconnected=1261874947 client_description
cldbid=3 client_unique_identifier=43534534534454444 client_nickname=User1nickname client_created=1261424310 client_lastconnected=1261424333 client_description
cldbid=4 client_unique_identifier=55555555555555555 client_nickname=User1nickname client_created=1261440119 client_lastconnected=1261782782 client_description=

Note cldbid to make something for this user in the command line or uniqid if you want cut and paste it in the GUI

List one user you know the nickname (connected or not)
login YourName yourpasswordSeeAboveToGetIt
use sid=1
clientdbfind pattern=CutAndPasteOfLastNickNameInTheSrvlogFile
ex of answer=>cldbid=4

Note cldbid to make something for this user in the command line or uniqid if you want cut and paste it in the GUI

List the known groups in your ts3 srv database
login YourName yourpasswordSeeAboveToGetIt
use sid=1

ex of answer =>
sgid=1 name=Guest\sServer\sQuery type=2 iconid=0 savedb=0|
sgid=2 name=Admin\sServer\sQuery type=2 iconid=0 savedb=1|
sgid=9 name=Friends type=1 iconid=0 savedb=0

Add the user to the group you want:

login YourName yourpasswordSeeAboveToGetIt
use sid=1
servergroupaddclient sgid=9 cldbid=4

Verify in which group the user belong to:
login YourName yourpasswordSeeAboveToGetIt
use sid=1
servergroupsbyclientid cldbid=4
ex of answer => name=Friends sgid=9 cldbid=4

File Transfer:
- Rights must be assigned to users or groups
- port number 30033 must be open in the firewalls.

Personal/offline messages:
CRTL + O or Tools/Offline message

Using external program to access ts3 sqllite dabase:
There is a command line program provided by those who made sqlite but i urge you to use the firefox plugin "SQLLITE Manager" which provide a GUI to any sqllite database.
Why will you do that ?. Just in case you screw up your permission like i did inside TS3 GUI, permission which was required to put back the original value for the admins. So i did use sqllite manager to access tables directly to put back correct value for my server group admin id for client talk power.

.... to be continued

Re: Teamspeak 3 technical thread for beginners (client / server)
DankRider, Fri Dec 25 2009, 04:13PM

SG - I really appreciate your efforts creating this Tech thread. The Notes and tips are quite useful and will help many folks in the community to learn the changes that come with Ts3.

Re: Teamspeak 3 technical thread for beginners (client / server)
ghozt, Fri Dec 25 2009, 04:20PM

Yeah thanks for the heads up, were up and running with mysql on linux and it's pretty cool. I cant wait for the web gui though!
Re: Teamspeak 3 technical thread for beginners (client / server)
SG, Sat Dec 26 2009, 09:27PM

I have work today on formatting the tutorial, and on server about using the server query command line for admin/permissions purposes and examples of use. (get a non connected user identity and put him in a special server group...)

Re: Teamspeak 3 technical thread for beginners (client / server)
SG, Sun Jan 24 2010, 12:02PM

Added today:

client section:
Multiple connections to severals TS3 servers

server section:
Using external program to access TS3 sqllite database:

and some English speaking errors....