Can these maps get updated to work with UT4.1 or higher? Pls?

LadyHellfire*, Mon Dec 14 2009, 12:00AM

Lost Temple
Hekkenchutes (sp?)
SumtingWong (sp?)

Will add more as I go through them.
Re: Can these maps get updated to work with UT4.1 or higher? Pls?
DankRider, Mon Dec 14 2009, 01:52AM

The map was thinking of was ut_outpost ..

here is a link to many of the old ut_maps

- Temple - Being remade
- Aardtimes - Possibly in the process of being remade
- Cahos - FSK405 wilyducks map
- Somthingwong - approved to be remade

Re: Can these maps get updated to work with UT4.1 or higher? Pls?
deleted-user, Mon Dec 14 2009, 04:49AM

An old hat, but Docks. HS friend of mine made it and he was so proud that it was a hugely popular map back in the day ;)

We were talking on TS tonight about this (Um3 TS). There used to be a map set in a desert. On the sides of the desert there were forts for both teams. There was a helicopter that you could hop in to get from one end of the desert to the other (to hilarious consequences). I think the name of it was Sands.
Re: Can these maps get updated to work with UT4.1 or higher? Pls?
Boogie Knight, Mon Dec 14 2009, 05:35AM

Sands was good when you had a decent amount of people, but with only a few on each team, and voting not allowed on server, would drive players away.