
SG, Sun Sept 20 2009, 05:09PM


army3 beta1 done.

Comments from some FSK member taken in consideration for playability. Suggestion CTF with 10 to 20 peoples to try that ! Much more cover than in army2 and a new feature: pickable weapons and extra ammo in the map. We should be abble to play it with no waepon at startup... something to try.


Special things : Can be played withour waepon at startup. Pickable weapons and ammo in it !
Number of players: for CTF 20 totals suggested and never below 5 on each team
Other gamemode : TS should be ok
but Follow the leader, Capture and hold and Bomb mode
are not supported on purpose (map not designed/playable for these gamemodes)
Map file : ut4_army3_b1.bsp

Desc & Features:
Army3 is supposed to be a army training area/camp at night. I have work a lot on light shaders and light effects. It should supported FFA, TDM, TS, and CTF nicely.

The map size is near the size of ut_army for those who know it. The size of this old map and the open aspect of it were something interesting me. So i decided to made an army map for ut4. ut4_army2 and 3 are not at all a duplicate of ut_army. All the things here have been done 1 by 1 by myself and with a cup of coffee next to me. I wanted a map in the night with nice light effects, an opened map not big.

The map looks like different in FFA than in team game modes. In FFA 2 teleports on the sides send you on opposite hangar roof. In team gamemode only 1 teleport in the middle send you on the same roof depending from which side you enter it.

All the terrain is alphashadowed.(technic to join smoothly severals tectures). The sky use skybox technic.

This map could be played with g_gear = 1 (no weapon) because all the weapons can be get into the map. Same for extra ammos, 2 spots to get them.

I have been told the curve lights were too strange for some players so i have change them to make them more straights.

Have a look at it, watch the night sky, the moon, the flare and most of all have fun !

Re: ut4_army3_b1
Frog, Mon Sept 21 2009, 12:32AM


Here at FSK405, we really appreciate the efforts of the the 3rd party mappers! We also appreciate the opportunity to give constructive suggestions in a positive and helpful manner. Once again, thank you!!