Boogie Knight, Sun Sept 07 2008, 12:22PM

Today while playing i was nearly tk'd by Candyman fro the $ clan. I don't remeber if i only shot him back or tk'd him. I get the flag and hide in building on red roof (I'm red). Candyman keeps trying to open door and come in. Since I have full health it isn't necessary so I keep shutting door but I eventually let him in. He comes in and tk's me 4 flag. I asked to have him kicked but the ref is aliased and doesn't do it. I was told by ref that you permabanned him but then let him back.
This brings up a point I would like to make. If you make someone ref who is in a clan then they will almost always favor a clanmate and not kick when they deserve it. A case in point was about a wek ago. Snow is acting like a shit and gets into it with a player called roar. Cleric immediately kicks roar after asking "do you know she is a girl?" Is that supposed to make a difference? Do you have separate rules for girls? After leaving and coming back today I was shot by another $ member just because they have to stick together.
DoLT, Sun Sept 07 2008, 01:33PM

hahah the $ guys are cry babies...

too funny...
DankRider, Sun Sept 07 2008, 02:30PM

dont know what to say about that.. I wish ppl would just grow up.
FSK405|worm, Sun Sept 07 2008, 03:05PM

afaik, $ isn't a clan - I use it and I'm not in a clan.

I thought it was just, well kinda a symbol that we play in superman server all the time. I don't think there is any kind of allegiance between those ppl. In fact one tking, haxoring idiot was using a $ prefix when I was playing earlier today.
Ghandi, Sun Sept 07 2008, 07:56PM

Who the hell let CandyMan tag up with that? The whole |$| thing was started as a joke by a few of the regulars. It was a small group and all of a sudden there are all these morons with that tag. I would like to point out that most of the guys that use that tag (me included) do not agree with that behavior.
Cleric, Mon Sept 08 2008, 07:41PM

I use the |$| sign sometimes. . .Last i checked it was just something someone started for regulars on the server. But I have seen a lot of hacker use it thinking it will keep them from being looked at or something. so I don't use the |$| sign now. But it's not a clan for sure. (and for the record the ref was not me). =)
Boogie Knight, Tue Sept 09 2008, 08:07AM

Then it was a ref using your name (I'm referring to the $now incident). They had the power to kick. I only mentioned it here because of a point that I was trying to make and because i don't think it would be right to PM dank with a complaint and not give the person a chance to see what was said and to reply.
Cleric, Tue Sept 09 2008, 12:51PM

oh, I was involved with something conserning $snow. . .maybe it was me. . . I do not remember what happened though since i do recall being mostly asleep and semi-hung over from having my first few drinks in my life. . . so if i did do something wrong i am sorry. . .i don't really remember what happened though. :(