My Ban

|$|CandyMan, Sun Jul 27 2008, 02:06PM

I got banned around three weeks ago. There were a lot of FSK's in the server and i think it was Mushroom who banned me. He said i was talking too much kicked me and then when I tried to go back, I hadn't seen Boogie NIghts post about not coming back for a while, but I didn't even get the chance to play again because it said i was banned. I have checked about once every couple days for the past three weeks and every time I try it says I'm banned. I wouldn't complain about a temporary ban because then i might have deserved it if i was really getting on a ref/admin's nerves but I don't view talking as grounds for a perma-ban. I don't know much about the different kinds of bans but that is what i think it is, correct me if I'm wrong please.
I think you can get my IP from a post but if not I'll just post it later in the thread.
Re: My Ban
DankRider, Sun Jul 27 2008, 04:58PM

I will give you another shot.. but it sounds like a respect issue more than anything. So try to be nice and respect others and you shouldnt have any more issues. But disrespect fsk members and you will offered another ban
Re: My Ban
|$|CandyMan, Sun Jul 27 2008, 05:43PM

Thank you very much! I will watch what i say and to whom i say it to a lot more carefully now.