Bot using pussy... All

LegioN, Sun Sept 02 2007, 08:43AM

Ran into that bot using pussy on another server today...owned his ass the whole team won the 2 games I stuck around for. The other team wouldn't vote him off their team so I pretty much lambased them the entire game. It helped that I was leading my team so I could smack talk. The other team tried to vote me off..can you believe it? Bunch of noobs.... All claims he can change his guid very easily. I hope that's not true. He's such a punk!!!! I hope he is banned for eternity X 2 on FSK servers!!!

Jeez louise I hate cheaters...

Re: Bot using pussy... All
FSK405 Earl, Sun Sept 02 2007, 10:15AM

In the future, please use the sticky thread.