ZELLIS, Tue May 08 2007, 03:34AM

VOTING ON THE IO SERVER IS GETTING WAY OUT OF HAND. every 5 min some asshole calls a vote " new map" 5 min into it , or 1 min before the map is over, or "kick" the top player cause he's good, or whatever else. I'm not one to complain but this is a problem late at night. is there a reason voting is allowed on the server? it really blows the momentum of the game.

is there also any way you could have a admin for late night play to keep the server in check?
i dont know if you guys would let an outside player "non FSK" be a admin with limited rights but If you did, i would step up and volunteer to do it. if you wouldnt i would under stand. im just tring to help.

THURMAN_MERMAN, Tue May 08 2007, 05:36AM

agreed, can we turn off voting? i think we have passed our "feeling out" period.
gHOstFaCe, Tue May 08 2007, 01:28PM

Hey, no one has felt me out yet.....Where's B-Ver whehn you need sry Beev, couldnt resist
Frog, Tue May 08 2007, 05:31PM

I agree. I hate that voting is enabled, I'm just not a big fan of it.
, Tue May 08 2007, 07:10PM

y did it change? i mean like in the 3.7 it was always never on, y is it on now?