Battleye and OS X clients

WeaZel, Mon Apr 23 2007, 10:30AM

Hey all,

I was playing on your server last week after being gone for quite some time.  I was pleasntly supprised to see it was still up with the good ping times that I remembered.

I just tried to get onto the server and was informed that I needed to enable battleye.  Well, I went to my setup screen under game options, and anti-cheat, and my system says that battleye is enabled.  So did some more checking.

Turns out that there is no battleye client for OS X. 

I guess my question is was this just enabled over the weekend?  or do I have some other issue.

Thanks for the help.
Re: Battleye and OS X clients
SPIDER, Sat May 05 2007, 03:21AM

we don't use battle eye and wont untill it supports mac and linux