FSK405 Community Website Urban Terror, Bad Company 2 and BF3 Gaming Community!!



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  • Boogie Knight
    Boogie Knight  1 month ago

    Longi! Been a long time! It's still there, but not very busy. I check in every once in a while. Sometimes I have seen The Old One on.

  • Longi
    Longi  2 months ago

    What happened to the Superman server?

  • Longi
    Longi  2 months ago

    G'Day from Australia. It's been a while...

  • AceTone
    AceTone  2 months ago

    Belated Happy New Year to all FSK and Friends!

  • Boogie Knight
    Boogie Knight  3 months ago

    Junior! How are ya? That's the most I've ever seen you type!

  • junior06
    junior06  4 months ago

    Hello, Happy end of year and lots of good things

  • ghozt
    ghozt  4 months ago

    Hey hey hey

  • Pockets
    Pockets  4 months ago

    It's been so long! yall probably old af. Hope you guys still play video games somewhere.

  • Boogie Knight
    Boogie Knight  8 months ago

    Happy New Year to you too Sam!

  • mushroom
    mushroom  9 months ago

    Where is Refucx. Did he tell everyone to shutup and leave? SAD...

Last Seen Menu


  • Guests: 7
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  • Total registered members:1302
  • Newest Member: FSKADMIN
  • Most ever online: 83
    Guests: 83 Members: 0 on 08 Jul 2023

News Archive

3.7 Released!!

 ghozt   11 Jul 2004
 None    Urban Terror News

3.7 Features
* Boot is now available with Beretta and DE and grenades
* Sr8 damage to waist and groin equalized at 80%
* knife damage increased
* ut_timenudge - lets you swap ping for a smoother world view. Useful for
people who are having hitting issues/jerky other player issues. If not,
leave it on 0. Range (0-50ms)
* walljumping - easier to do now esp. for hpbs. The 3 jump limiter was
slightly broken, meaning it wasn't working as nicely in 3.6 as it was during
3.5 qa testing. Fixed now.
* walljumping - cannot walljump off other players
* walljumping - cannot walljump off of low ledges
* cg_autoscreenshot - check if thats behaving right please.
* player rendering - player angle changes were not smooth before, now they
* new options for cg_drawteamoverlay 0 1 2 3
- 0 is none
- 1 is both teams displayed
- 2 is just your team, smaller, and the alive count of the other team
- 3 is only yourself and the alive counts of your team and the other team
* cg_drawteamoverlayscores 0 1 which turns off the scores from the above options
* g_deadchat 0/1/2 only works in matchmode
0 dead can talk to only dead or sub
1 is the default, dead can pester their own team
2 means the dead can pester everyone
- specs are always locked out however
* /restart unreadies teams correctly
* you have to ready up again after 1/2 time
* removed the bobby rotation of portal cameras
* brought back the trail on the laser
* removed subs from the team overlay