FSK405 Community Website Urban Terror, Bad Company 2 and BF3 Gaming Community!!


  • To this day I have not heard or seen of any working web browser with this type of plug-in that allows you to watch urt demos with it.
    In fact it isnt impossible to do (nothing online is anymore). We just need some really smart people to create this or just ask some chinese guy to do it in like a minute.

    Me and trunks are the ones that first came out with the SOT (Stats of Terror) file that run stats off log files from the server. It was a pain in the ass cuz of the way urt is coded and didnt work to our satisfaction so we gave up on it and just put out a basic form of it.
    Check out the info here, http://dailynade.com/using-stats-of-terror/ not sure if it still works and generally speaking if dondon is making a post he simply refuses to mention anything about me, or any clan I have been in. Thats how bad he hates me.

    Cuz keeper>dondon

    edit* fixing link hold on.



Moderator(s): FSK405 Earl, Frog, DankRider, Fokker, LadyHellfire*, Reflux