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  • MMMM...has littlefoot become your new attention whore or what? I'll tell you a little bit about Littlefoot and this is the real truth.I don't know how to tell you this, but the police should lock Littlefoot up and throw away the key. It may help if I begin my discussion by relating an innocuous story in order to illustrate my point: A few days ago I was arguing with an untoward enemy of the people who was insisting that all any child needs is a big dose of television every day. I tried to convince this yellow-bellied Hun that I fully intend to tell Littlefoot where he can stick it. I will spare no labor in doing this and reckon no labor lost that brings me toward this mark. Even so, Littlefoot's the type of person who will trump up any lie for the occasion, and the more of a thumper it is, the better he likes it.

    Littlefoot is not the only one who needs to reassess his assumptions. Think about domineering sods. They too should realize that Littlefoot recently got caught red-handed trying to establish tacit boundaries and ground rules for the permissible spectrum of opinion. Well, surprise, surprise, surprise, as Gomer Pyle would say. Inasmuch as I disagree with his accusations and find his ad hominem attacks offensive, I am happy to meet his speech with more speech and, if necessary, continue this discussion until the truth shines.

    Littlefoot's apologias fail to convince me that doing the fashionable thing is more important than life or liberty. Even more remarkable, it's a pity that two thousand years after Christ, the voices of misguided dipsomaniacs like him can still be heard, worse still that they're listened to, and worst of all that anyone believes them. While we all despair over Littlefoot's manipulative, testy beliefs (as I would certainly not call them logically reasoned arguments), we must also remember the principles that will guide our better behaviors and higher aspirations. Littlefoot has planted his mercenaries everywhere. You can find them in businesses, unions, activist organizations, tax-exempt foundations, professional societies, movies, schools, churches, and so on. Not only does this subversive approach enhance Littlefoot's ability to push our efforts two steps backward but it also provides irrefutable evidence that this is a lesson for those with eyes to see. It is a lesson not so much about his foolish behavior but about the way that he wants us to believe that he is a man of peace. How stupid does he think we are? The answer is not obvious because his fantasy is to create a climate of intimidation. He dreams of a world that grants him such a freedom with no strings attached. Welcome to the world of antidisestablishmentarianism! In that nightmare world it has long since been forgotten that what really irks me is that Littlefoot has presented us with a Hobson's choice. Either we let him show us a gross miscarriage of common judgment or he'll enthrone falsehood in the very center of human thought.

    For the nonce, Littlefoot is content to crush the will of all individuals who have expressed political and intellectual opposition to his hatchet jobs. But before long, he will slow scientific progress. As I've said in the past, every so often you'll see him lament, flog himself, cry mea culpa for making my blood curdle, and vow never again to be so incomprehensible. Sadly, he always reverts to his old behavior immediately afterwards, making me think that he should pay a price for his overbearing magic-bullet explanations. Am I aware of how Littlefoot will react when he reads that last sentence? Yes. Do I care? No, because he decries or dismisses capitalism, technology, industrialization, and systems of government borne of Enlightenment ideas about the dignity and freedom of human beings. These are the things that Littlefoot fears because they are wedded to individual initiative and responsibility.

    Factionalism is Littlefoot's main weapon and his chief means of convincing his cohorts to tell everyone else what to do. That's self-evident, and even Littlefoot would probably agree with me on that. Even so, I can no longer get very excited about any revelation of his hypocrisy or crookedness. It's what I've come to expect by now. He is inherently anti-democratic, sex-crazed, and clumsy. Oh, and he also has a poxy mode of existence. Littlefoot is known for walking into crowded rooms and telling everyone there that it's inappropriate to teach children right from wrong. Try, if you can, to concoct a statement better calculated to show how feckless Littlefoot is. You can't do it. Not only that, but he does, occasionally, make a valid point. But when he says that anyone who resists him deserves to be crushed, that's where the facts end and the ludicrousness begins. I would like to close by saying that Littlefoot slaps his message of nit-picky Bulverism on everything that stands still—newspapers, magazines, billboards, movies, op-eds, and grant proposals.

  • ROFLMAO!!! Spot on Russa, Spot on!! You say so very much without saying anything so eloquently! You are an inspiration!

  • What do cranky personæ non gratæ, sinful scapegraces, and Russa have in common? If you answered, "They all marginalize dissident voices," then pat yourself on the back. To organize my discussion, I suggest that we take one step back in the causal chain and resolve a number of lingering problems. There's no mystery about it, no more room for fairy tales, just the knowledge that his reason is not true reason. It does not seek the truth but only lethargic answers, brainless resolutions to conflicts.

    Russa spouts a lot of numbers whenever he wants to make a point. He then subjectively interprets those numbers to support his propositions while ignoring the fact that he would have us believe that freedom must be abolished in order for people to be more secure and comfortable. Yeah, right. And I also suppose that profits come before people? The fact of the matter is that his particular brand of anti-intellectualism will make excessive use of foul language sooner or later. To pretend otherwise is nothing but hypocrisy and unwillingness to face the more unpleasant realities of life.

    Though the logorrheic spring up like grass and uneducated, hate-filled poltroons flourish, they are doomed to be destroyed forever—especially if we guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by Russa and his camp. In particular, Russa wants to shackle us with the chains of materialism. Faugh. When I'm through with him he'll think twice before attempting to caricature and stereotype people from other cultures. It has been proven time and time again that Russa's intrusive traducements induce paralysis of the cerebrum. His underlings probably don't realize that because it's not mentioned in the funny papers or in the movies. Nevertheless, I feel no more personal hatred for Russa than I might feel for a herd of wild animals or a cluster of poisonous reptiles. One does not hate those whose souls can exude no spiritual warmth; one pities them. There is nothing Russa wants more than to obstruct various things. May we never forget this if we are to deny Russa and his cohorts a chance to overthrow democratic political systems.

  • Look at me, Look at me , I'll an attention whore.


  • Littlefoot is not an attention whore, he's just a whoredog! :)

    Not the W.D.

  • Wow, I had to leave dictionary.com open in another window. :-)

  • Dear whitedog,

    I'm terribly sorry I had to do this through a letter, this didn't need to be done, but I wanted to.. This note will be the last memory you'll ever have of me, I really don't care for you anymore, thats the way it is.. Don't let it get you all upset inside, I always liked your friend more. It is because of your history of lying problems that keep me from being even remotely interested in continuing this relationship with you.

    You'd be much better off finding a person that can deal with fun way you would always ruin a romantic moment by talking about your ex. I might miss certain things about you such as the time you came to my house and stunk the bathroom up

    I'm glad this is done and we're going separate directions for good. I think you'll find someone to have an unhealthy relationship based on physical attraction. And hopefully we will be incredibly far away.

    Have a nice life,



  • Reading this thread hurts my head.

  • Hey Xyster,

    Does that mean no more sex with your sister? Or just that I can't fister anymore. Or no more oral sex when she has a blister? You know I couldn't resister. Since you showed me how to fist her. I shall miss your sister Xyster.

    Not the Fister of Xyster but of his Sister.

    Not the WD

  • ok littlefoot, you are now the official Mondjetoe/Bobe 2.0

    Starting to get really annoying.

Moderator(s): FSK405 Earl, Frog, DankRider, Fokker, LadyHellfire*, Reflux