FSK405 Community Website Urban Terror, Bad Company 2 and BF3 Gaming Community!!


  • I have always disliked the "waste" in the English language. Almost every *good* language allows for "givens" (such as "am" in something like "I am hungry".. "Me hungry," or even "Hungry" with proper context or variation on the word would be far more efficient.. IMO ;) ). Ironically, I find that all language is woefully lacking in full expression... the Ents of Tolkein lore being of those not lacking ;)

    Chinese and ancient Egyptian are interesting... Japanese is fun for me due to the lack of "waste," but with the way languages are being altered to allow for the common dunce today, I could see it getting packed off for the toilet just as much...


  • I think he is referring to when I asked him to not curse another player out, when I didn't know he was an admin. Then he told me to blow him. So I muted him, and aliased him, and found out he was whitedog.
    I was completely within my rights to enforce rule3 (No offensive language, asshatrey) Esp. if he's supposed to be an adult and an admin.
    Then he tells me to blow him.. how is that professional.
    and why should that be tolerated..
    Any way I try to defend myself, he's going to come back pointing his finger at me like I started it, when all I did, was do my job. And I'm sure he'll have Gladi8r, and Boogie behind him. I did nothing wrong when I muted him, and asked him to be nice. If you're an admin, you shouldn't be talking shit to others. Nor should you come on here, and say you're allowed to say shit, when there's a rule on the server against it. Fokker tells me to stand up for myself in situations like this, and I am. So please don't come back cursing me out like I'm a annoying little girl, when you know I'm right. I'm trying to be mature, and say this without being rude, so can you.

  • It wouldn't let me upload it by the choosing file, so I had to use the tinypic thing.


    Now. I had already muted emerson:) for spamming. Or Ban did. and whitedog still cursed at him, and he did it to someone else too, before that. So the second time, I told him to stop, because that's rule3.
    I already told you what happened. This is just my proof. And Ban_Me has more too.

  • Heroine, don't get your teenage panties all bound up! You forgot one important point. When I said "blow me" you did mention the fact that you were are a teenager. Since you wish to hide behind your innocence as an underage little shit, I feel that you need to sit at the kiddy table and not with adults since you cannot handle the shit!

    The internet at one time was used by people in higher institutions of learning and the military. Now every fucken parent bitches about their child being exposed to shit on the net. Well that's easy, go play at the kiddy table! You do not belong here, especially since you wish to hide behind your young innocent panties! Piss off and go play with people your own age! Other people who are younger than you are more mature than you playing this game. Like Tranc3r. I have grown to respect that little shit! He can handle what happens on Superman server and other FSK servers.

    So in essence grow the fuck up or get the fuck out. But never threaten any body about you being an under age pain in the ass!

    Thank you for your time and remember you shall be carded at the door! Enjoy! Have a nice day! :)

    Whitedog, aka Reaper, Joker

  • Whitedog...chill your ass out. we are not kicking people for there age! Heroine, cussing will happen! ths occasional "blow me will happen" brush is off and continue to play. If every other word is B*tch B*tch Hoe, or F*CK!!! whatever over and over again, then you are within your rights to enforce rule3 and even mute IF it contiunes, even if he is whitedog.


  • Rule 3 is clear. Players are allowed:

    7 "son of a bitch"s
    1 "Fuck"
    327 "hell"s
    4 "Jesus Christ"s
    2 "Goddammit"s
    3,652,000 "heck"s
    29 "shit"s
    3 "asshole"s
    27 "schmuck"s

    Now get out there and enforce it, people.

  • Whitedog...chill your ass out. we are not kicking people for there age! Heroine, cussing will happen! ths occasional "blow me will happen" brush is off and continue to play. If every other word is B*tch B*tch Hoe, or F*CK!!! whatever over and over again, then you are within your rights to enforce rule3 and even mute IF it contiunes, even if he is whitedog.



    I understand that. I do, but he was being rude to a lot of people. So I enforced the rule. I told you he'd come back with some smartass reply because I defended myself. I realize that these are adult servers, but you don't have to intentionally be an asshole, right?

    It's over. it happened. I have nothing against whitedog. He is an admin, and I have to respect him. Just don't talk shit about me like I'm a little twit, please.

    (I agree with you, Zellis. just FYI.)

  • Whitedog I find it odd that eventhough you know Heroine is under age you still told her to Blow You. Why would you tell a child to do that. Didn't your mother ever teach you how to respect women.

  • To Heroine, Ban_me and Zellis

    Heroine you want to hide behind your age? Fine you shall be treated that way. You little arrogant shit!

    Ban_me, maybe I forgot her age, I expect people to act if nothing else like adults and assume people are adults! Now for the fact that she is a minor and the assumption you make. Fuck off, you can go sniff her panties like you have online while playing Superman even though you have mention that you are 10 years older than her. You want to flirt with some one underage that's your fucken business.

    Some one that makes an off handed comment why would I say that to a teenager is blatantly taking shit out of context and I will not tolerate that! Yeah you Heroine! Not only are you a twit but a pain in the ass as well. Oh by the way your language on Superman is not so innocent.

    Zellis, you can join Ban_me in the panty sniffing line. You don't like my call complain to management. That is who I account too!

    As far as I am concern you three are a royal pain in the ass.

    Thank you for your time, please feel free to leave a comment. If you should have any questions please feel free to bring it to managements attention. Have a nice day and please kiss my ass!
    Thank you.


    Whitedog aka Reaper, Joker

  • Im 16 in A couple days you arrogant little fuck. Im not sniffing her painties we are friends and dont talk to her like that it just makes you look like even more of a douche than I already thought you were. Heroine isnt hiding behind her age she just doent want your childish bullshit. If you want to talk shit about me go right a head I'll pwn your ass every time I see you.

    Closing message to you Whitedog.

Moderator(s): FSK405 Earl, Frog, DankRider, Fokker, LadyHellfire*, Reflux This topic is now closed