FSK405 Community Website Urban Terror, Bad Company 2 and BF3 Gaming Community!!


  • shownormals makes it pretty clear to me that at least a wall hack is on. I notice that he always puts the scope straight ahead of the spawned red player on the ledge where they would jump if running straight. A lot of players run and jump straight ahead after spawn. Some of his mid air snipes are suspect.

  • Mr. Tinker, I would like to discuss your entire list with you in TS3 and in private (meaning only me and you and any member of our respective clans who may want to be a part of the discussion) some time before this "trial" is over.

    I'm going to have to agree with Truth on his assessment...this guy is a seasoned FPS player who appears to have learned some hard lessons over the years about watching your own back. The so called "snaps" that he supposedly performs can easily be explained by having your mouse sensitivity tweaked properly, and he obviously pays attention to his whole screen, not just the area around his cross hairs.

    I say, before this becomes a mob fest, go back and watch the demos again without shownormals on and think about how YOU play the game and how you would LIKE to play the game as your skills improve. Try to be objective...I get the sense that there is a general attitude of "well if an admin thinks he's hacking, then he must be hacking". ALL of us admins are human and subject to making mistakes and hasty decisions...and of being extremely subjective when it comes to defending our fellow admins' rulings. I'm just asking to take a second and third look at the demos with a more open mind, you may find yourself changing your mind.

  • No need to make this personal, Littlefoot. If you check in echelon you'll see kittyboy was never warned/kicked/tempbanned for hacking. Not by me, not by anyone, aside from the current ban made by BK. In fact, the last time I warn/TB'd someone for hacking was: Wednesday, 16/03/2011 (01:56) (echelon). I recorded a couple demos, thought they were suspect (after my own review w/ and w/o shownormals*), and passed them on to BoogieKnight.

    *You seem curious about my own review process, and although it's not necessary for me to respond for the purposes of this 'mock trial', I will in good-faith.

    I watched both demos at least once (maybe a couple of times, I forget) each with and without shownormals BEFORE requesting BK's thoughts. (That's at least one pass through w/o shownormals and another pass w/ shownormals.) One pass-through is sufficient for asking another admin's thoughts. We superman admins collaborate very well and often such collaboration isn't reflected in the asshat thread.

    Since my first submittal I have viewed both demos (w/ and w/o shownormals and with varying time scales) more times than I can easily count. I'm just one admin, but I stand by my conclusion.

  • Must be noted:
    I have formed a 3rd party team to review the demo, these members have extensive experience reviewing suspect demos. Their ruling must be unanimous and will stand as the final verdict. FSK405 has developed detailed a process for reviewing suspect demos. The team understands what tells to look for along with our criteria for a just ban. Once they provide a verdict their notes will be posted along with their ruling.

    - I would suggest to anyone that want to learn A bit about demo review to do as follows: Spectate a l33t superman player such as truth, banme, shielaDevine, boogieknight, exc then review the demo without and with shownormals, trying to convict them of hacking. I can assure you, if your looking for a reason a player is hackng you will find supporting evidence. This is why we are using a 3rd party neutral team that doesnt play much superman to handle the final verdict.
    - We do this as a open trial to show the community we will treat everyone with fairness, even if they were charged with hacking.

    - In order for a ban to stand there must be convincing evidence of a hack such as, tracking players through walls, snapping on a player, shooting walls where players hid behind. Bans will not stand if

    - I would ask if once you have posted your demo review notes that them speak for themselves. Any further discussion shall be viewed as persuasion. If you would like to talk in detail about your findings or feel strongly with your stance, FSK405 will offer you an opportunity to talk with a member on the Demo review team.

    - If the ban stands the demo review team will help teach anyone the tells we look for and the reasons the ban will stand. Including Kittyboy.

    - If the demoo teams doesnt find enough evidence to enforce the ban, we will work with any member that contests the reversal in Team Speak in a personal setting.

  • I am going to agree with LittleFoot, and I think if anyone loves Superman as much as we all do, he has learned his lesson?If he did hack,dunno or care,All I know is not being a part of the Superman community would suck.It is a privilege.
    We like the players as much as the map.Happy to say hi" and know one another.
    Tink is the nice Admin.He gives players many chances to stop being an ass, etc.
    Boogie is more by the book.You Fuk up , your out.
    That makes a great balance.
    Superman has to be maintained 24/7.As soon as an Admin. is not present, the asses show up and start hacking to high hell.

  • i don't see anything wrong with either demos, this is exactly how I play, except I try to stay out of the open as much as posssible

    "shownormals makes it pretty clear to me that at least a wall hack is on. I notice that he always puts the scope straight ahead of the spawned red player on the ledge where they would jump if running straight. A lot of players run and jump straight ahead after spawn. Some of his mid air snipes are suspect"

    I do the same thing, so do I hack? I know that I usually jump off the front of red so if I'm on blue I'll camp the places where red sometimes spawns and/or jumps off to go to street level, and its not hard to get mid air kills with sniper, I do it all the time....

  • One of the reasons I like superman is because the admins are so reasonable. I've been banned from a few servers where I took the time to make a forums account and ask for a reason and neither of the times did they ever even try to review the ban.

    On a semi-related note, there is aparently an anticheat client called ESL Wire that is going to be used for the upcoming ESL urban terror league. I dont know if it can be used outside of the league, and I know that it only runs on windows.

    Heres a link http://www.nationalesl.com/us/news/147750/#/us/wire/wac_faq/

  • Tinker was the admin (with dad) who taught me how to behave on superman and i know he is a good admin.
    I didn't reviewed the demo in timescale 0.5 as I wanted first, not much time.
    Just keep in your mind, that you can't explain every single action you've done in game.
    I know by myself that I 'snap' ingame, turn for 180 and kill people and I can't explain why I turned for 180.
    Same with Pre-shooting/aiming, who speced me, knows about what im talking, i dont know why i aim to some spots where enemies are behind , i just do by 'instinct' .
    And I want to thanks the admin team again for the great job they are doing.
    Btw: Son & Mandy still alive?
    Sry for offtopic.

  • Hey Tinky, I'm not making it personal at all...I AM interested in your "process" and would like to talk to you about it :) The rest of my previous post was not specific to you, rather to all those who are convinced KittyBoy is guilty.

  • Watched both demos 2X with shownormals on/off. While I do understand and respect all admins and players who might find this game play suspicious and questionable; I do NOT see anything pointed that clearly reveals aim or wall hacks. Too many inconsistencies and lost opportunities that simply don't equate to foul play.

    FSK, admins, and players should all get kudos for taking the time to hold this open trial. We all need each other to help make this Superman community the best it can be.

    F1 for the system, server, forums FSK has in place to hold this trial
    F1 for whatever the outcome here - (and eager to learn more if the panel decides foul play)
    F2 for Hax

Moderator(s): FSK405 Earl, Frog, DankRider, Fokker, LadyHellfire*, Reflux This topic is now closed