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  • Maybe you admin's should come up with a list of people that have been guilty of this many times. Then post their names here, and warn them that they my receive a temp ban
    for stacking. I would also use bigtext ingame letting them no that they may be added to this list if they don't autojoin right away. I with El Kabong on the autojoin feature, I too reside in the autojoin camp also. In fact, I don't
    believe I'v ever sat in spec waiting to stack ( Im not joking).


    i thought it was assumed that some admins also spec to stack. if it it wasnt clear they do.
    in fact, some of the people who posted on this thread claiming they dont display this behaviour actually do spec to stack teams.
    its widespread, lets not be so hypocritical pls.
    admins are more than necessary and do a good job for the most part, but theyre also human and some are more "human" than others. theyre no superman ;P

    besides how are you going to prove an admin is stacking? he can always say he was doing important admin stuff and that he joined the strong team at the right moment by pure chance...

    also, spec time at join is random depends on the pc speed so how long can some1 spec before being suspected? sounds complicated.

  • all i'm saying is that regs and admins maybe should NOT be protected by !teams. It always just moves the noobs. The losing team is more apt to have players drop during a game, so we type !teams (or B3 balances) and the noobs are moved to the losing team.

  • Maybe you admin's should come up with a list of people that have been guilty of this many times. Then post their names here, and warn them that they my receive a temp ban
    for stacking. I would also use bigtext ingame letting them no that they may be added to this list if they don't autojoin right away. I with El Kabong on the autojoin feature, I too reside in the autojoin camp also. In fact, I don't
    believe I'v ever sat in spec waiting to stack ( Im not joking).


    i thought it was assumed that some admins also spec to stack. if it it wasnt clear they do.
    in fact, some of the people who posted on this thread claiming they dont display this behaviour actually do spec to stack teams.
    its widespread, lets not be so hypocritical pls.
    admins are more than necessary and do a good job for the most part, but theyre also human and some are more "human" than others. theyre no superman ;P

    besides how are you going to prove an admin is stacking? he can always say he was doing important admin stuff and that he joined the strong team at the right moment by pure chance...

    also, spec time at join is random depends on the pc speed so how long can some1 spec before being suspected? sounds complicated.


    your part about the "stacking admins", the admins of the superman server are no asshats who want to play in winning team, enough said.

  • I'm sure that we all recognize what seems to be stacking when some great players are all on one team. That being said we all must admit as admins and players we have all played on those 20 to 0 teams. One thing we should also recognize is that when a team is down any admin is happy to try and even the playing field by hopping to the other team to try and fair up the game. I for one have played many matches where it seemed to be stacked , but I play on and watch the other players to learn to play better. Stacked teams can offer us all a good lesson if we watch good players and how they work together and pay attention to the spots they use to keep the other team at bay. Is stacking good practice? NO! But it really isn't happening all the time.

  • all i'm saying is that regs and admins maybe should NOT be protected by !teams. It always just moves the noobs. The losing team is more apt to have players drop during a game, so we type !teams (or B3 balances) and the noobs are moved to the losing team. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Was the change of regs not moving a recent change? I agree that this is probably the cause.

  • your part about the "stacking admins", the admins of the superman server are no asshats who want to play in winning team, enough said.


    lol, right... ive just been in a game, on which and admin switched to the "losing team" when it started to get good players and cap flags, he didnt change to the losing team when it was losing, only changed when it started to win, hence stacking and turning the underdog team onto the regulars team.
    im sure its just bad timing from his part...
    from my part im gonna start considering ~15 as the new cap limit, since people seem to lose interest in capping after the 15th cap or so.

  • lol he just did it again, was in spec for about 5 minutes doing important admin stuff, and he joins the only time the winning team was open for autojoin, lol, yeah let admins help the underdog team, haha!

  • What are you expected to do when you join the losing team and turn it around to the point where it is now the winning team? Are you supposed to then go back to the (now) losing team?

    I contend, as an admin, you are there to help keep the game from being destroyed by hacks and asshats, not make sure everyone gets to play on a winning team. Playing against better players only makes you better. Stacking teams is unsportsmanlike and just an asshat move. I see it, but I suspect it is some of the younger admins that are dong this. However, games that become randomly stacked are over quicker and players have an opportunity to be on a new team, since we have to reconnect to continue playing most of the time.

    I've seen other B3 servers suggest a player from a team to join the other when a vacancy occurs. I think it uses the players stats to select someone that has some skills that will benefit the other team. Can we do that, only set up B3 to select the player and move them accordingly?

  • i mean that guy on one far end of the map that gets a kill every 5 minutes and never gets killed himself.

    For what it's worth, I have been this sniper, as camping of blue with nvg's on freeze on doom is rampant. So I sat on the end of the freeway for 5 min breaking them of the habit. This comment is along the line of the flag carrier hiding too well and complaining that it slows down the game. Some people work the strategy part of CTF. Some just want it to be a continual exchange of flags.

  • What are you expected to do when you join the losing team and turn it around to the point where it is now the winning team? Are you supposed to then go back to the (now) losing team?

    el kabong
    I ran into that problem recently. My current team was winning very strongly so I went to the other team to lend a hand. Slowly my new team started to win. At around the 17 cap mark I noticed my team was all regulars and I was in a pickle. Switch back or finish the stacked round? (I went spec.)

    I don't think anyone expects more than a single team switch from a player (admin or not). This is a game; meant to have a winning and a losing team.

Moderator(s): FSK405 Earl, Frog, DankRider, Fokker, LadyHellfire*, Reflux