FSK405 Community Website Urban Terror, Bad Company 2 and BF3 Gaming Community!!


  • @JetDry:

    re no 1) i can see this being problematic, and urge mindriot and dank not to introduce this. The issue of radio calls not being muted is not huge. Occasionally you get asshats who have been muted using radio binds to keep on talking shit. I boot them, simple as. There are also radio spammers - hence the no spamming rule. Again, I just boot em. Those issues are not that common, but the issue of not being able to unmute is. In a busy game, I will mute and unmute very regularly, to enable quiet admining but also to team_say "the flag carrier is in maintenance!". It would be like taking the brakes out of a car to stop them from being squeaky imo.

    re no 2) handy, but not essential. between !teams and !force player colour it's pretty much already handled.


    Jes, j00 can haz polisee :) iz gud polisee

Moderator(s): FSK405 Earl, Frog, DankRider, Fokker, LadyHellfire*, Reflux