FSK405 Community Website Urban Terror, Bad Company 2 and BF3 Gaming Community!!


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    Add moving vehicles to the highway. The highway seems odd empty, a few moving semi trucks and cars would look nice.


    I think the lack of traffic adds to the eerie sensation of being in a deserted urban environment, the only people there are crazy bastards with guns that want to kill you and take your flag :)


    Then maybe not moving trucks perhaps a few overturned/crashed ones?

  • I would be happy if its possible to get on lamp on highway again with falling from red roof and sliding up to highway...
    It was my favorite place ;)


  • Hmm, jumping over to the highway from blue is pretty easy. Especially hitting the invisible arrow that shoots you down the highway toward red. How about another invisible arrow at the far right and opposite end of the highway that shoots you up toward red roof (or shoots you down a path to red roof)? Blue has the 5s cap and I'm thinking some play like that might even up the escape/cap routes for red. (Granted, red has the advantage of a million plus spawn camp points.)

    As far as the spawn points are concerned, how about opening up the red brick on top of blue and moving most of the rooftop spawn points inside there? It could be like a penthouse suite. There might be a way to even up the sniping power between teams that way without adding too many resource drains. (Granted, I'm guessing...)

  • -= Compiled Super Soldiers Notes =-

    .: Map Overview :.
    - ut_supersoldiers was an evolved version of superman with more buildings, terrain, and other features. Though Super Soldiers had some similarities to superman it played completely different. Kinda of like a novelty version of superman. ut_supersoldiers is unplayable in 4.1 due to missing textures and sounds.

    .: Suggestion Overview :.
    Boogie Knight: Cliff Notes
    BKS.1 - Possibly add a tunnel.
    BKS.2 - In addition to the tunnel idea: if possible: Make it so the tunnel is only available when a set numbers of players have joined. Possibly only open for those with certain weapons

    DRS.1 - Add weapon and gear stations about the map. Maybe for only certain game types like CAH.
    DRS.2 - Fun Stuff, Nothing too distracting just a simple superman logo on a players chest.
    DRS.3 - Add pedestrions like in Metropolis.

    Gladiator: Cliff Notes
    GS.1 - Half Pipe or a fun slicky area. Maybe in a boot like room or underground.
    GS.2 - Worm Holes. Something about a shaft and worm holes.

    Ban Me: Cliff Notes
    BM.1 - Add another room to Hotel Maintenance.
    (Danks Note: Dont think the hotel maintenance exists i think it is open ground in supersoldiers. ?Me Forgets)
    (-WDK edit- yes there was a suite in there, which I intend to bring back)

    CDaly: Cliff Notes
    CDS.1 - Moving car[s] or Bus. Have traffic/vehicles moving up and down the streets.

    CDS.2 - Underground tunnels: Slick area maybe the sewer tunnels themselves, Make the underground playable moderating the congestion points.
    (Danks addition: Maybe discourage players from spending too much time in the tunnels making them cold causing your player to shiver losing stamina. Slicky tunnel's with a few l33t jump combo's allowing to change your direction slithering and jumping into different tunnel systems. Some tunnel systems may pop you up a man hole cover launching you into the air higher the faster you go. )

    CDS.3 - Open The garage trying to make it a bit more unappealing to camp the flag there.
    (Danks Addition: Maybe make it really cold or smog so your player shivers and slowly loses stamina.)

    CDS.4 - More Climbable areas.

    CDS.5 Elevators: shed on ponds can be the elevator maintenance area and access a cable (rope) to climb down onto top of elevator car which can have a small door. If a player does too much lateral movement they will loose grip on the rope and possibly lemming. I have seen working elevators in some maps. It would be cool to climb in one from the top and then go down to lobby or other floors. If you are on top of the elevator as it reaches it's zenith you get squished.

    Zimzalabing: Cliff Notes
    ZS.1 - Garage... just open the ramps leading up an down. Possibly add the arrow between the ramps.

    Devil: Cliff Notes
    DS.1 - make the lamps soft landings.

    GO.1 - Offer to help with any 2D graphic needs

    -=Updated 2010 Feb 21 5:30est=-
    -= PS. WilyDuck feel free to moderate and edit this post to keep it up to date, including your reply. =-

  • To elocute dvils suggestion, as I dont think it was fully understood....The south facing, south east "ramp" from Military HQ, when dropping in and sliding on it used to provide enough boost to propel you up onto one of the lampposts on highway. Hope that makes sense.

  • To elocute dvils suggestion, as I dont think it was fully understood....The south facing, south east "ramp" from Military HQ, when dropping in and sliding on it used to provide enough boost to propel you up onto one of the lampposts on highway. Hope that makes sense.

    It does't anymore? I could SWEAR I've pulled that off in this release. Having said that, I'd be down for making those light posts safe landing spots. They're hard enough targets that just making them safe landings wouldn't make them insanely easy to get onto camp.

    What about an arrow up to helipad from Krate Construction? That construction zone has many ways to get into but not many ways to get away from quickly. Adding a fly-away route might bring it more into the game. (This might be incorporated in some way with my previous highway escape idea. Have some kind of way to slide off the highway and head for the Krate arrow and off toward helipad then red.)

  • Drawing from supersoldier_alpha02 as a reference, a way inside doom would be cool, as would that penthouse in the hotel.

    Opening up the ramps on the carpark.

    Make the light posts on the highway climbable.

    Buildings in buildsite A and Krate.

    Maybe a way into ponds from the ground floor, and a way inside the pond skyway.

    I'd love to be on the beta test team also. I missed out with b5 etc

  • Make the roofs of the shorter two sections of pond playable or maybe even add in a top floor you can get to by elevator. Sort of like an exec room for pond with roof access by a ladder or stairs. Place some of those large AC units that buildings have on top of them as cover or a small shed type deal.

    Add some hotel rooms to the hotel. Red tower gets the exec toom to snipe out of but blue has nothing to snipe out of with good cover. This would give blue a place to snipe on the front of red without having exec snipers picking them off.

    One off the wall idea that sprung into my mind was two bases per side. Add a blue and red building in the back portions of the map ie construction or that area by the highway and river those areas that arent used very much. For times when their are not a lot of people on the server it could go back to the usaual one flag. When theres 20 people on it would help spread everyone out and campers would be easier to pick off.

  • A simple suggestion/observation. Any urban construction zone tends to have an office trailer or two. Give one a trailer you can go into and snipe out from the window[s] and the other a crane you can climb and try to perch from, maybe have a soft landing spot or two for when coming off whichever roof (red or blue) it is near.

  • ooooo...construction crane.... melikes :-)

Moderator(s): FSK405 Earl, Frog, DankRider, Fokker, LadyHellfire*, Reflux