FSK405 Community Website Urban Terror, Bad Company 2 and BF3 Gaming Community!!


  • -= FSK405 Sunday Night Scrim =-
    December 13th, 2009 8:00est
    Scrim Modifications: (Modification per FSK405 member discussions) - No Minors (Adult Time) - Rosters locked once teams are selected. - Server Password is changed. Possible Modification to the Sunday Scrim Process: - The Facilitator can add an additional player to balance teams mid game per approval from the Captains. FSK405 member's take priority. - FSK405 members are allowed to Spectate if teams are even and a match is in progress. Round 1: Filtration Facilitator: B-ver Captains: Fudaddy (Blue) -Vs- Hud (Red) Score: Blue = 4 / Red = 3 (Balanced teams, FSK405B was on deck spectating during the round. Thanks for being patient spec'n while we played FSK405B) Round 2: zero Facilitator: DankRider Captains: Little (Blue) -Vs- Frog (Red) Score: Blue = 1 / Red = 4 (Uneven teams, blue down one ,& fokker was on deck. retrospect- fokker and or next available should have been added to balance teams) Round 3: Venice Facilitator: Frog Captains: Squrl (Blue) -Vs- LuvDaMamma (Red) Score: Blue = 1 / Red = 4 (Uneven teams, blue down one ,& DarkNight was on deck. retrospect- DarkNight and or next available should have been added to balance teams)
    Post your battle rants here.


Moderator(s): FSK405 Earl, Frog, DankRider, Fokker, LadyHellfire*, Reflux